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Jonesing vs. GAS

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  • 2nd May 06, 09:21 PM
    Jonesing vs. GAS
    Okay, Okay...

    GAS, for those souls who don't play guitar, means Guitar Acquisition Syndrome. Unum Non Satis, as my Martin Guitar Forum explains, means "One Isn't Enough!" Same goes for kilts!

    I've wondered about Jonesing, or: lusting after another nifty-looking tartan; or, getting another kilt you can't really afford; or, how am I going to explain this to SWMBO...you get the idea.

    I guess that Jonesing comes from "keeping up with the Joneses", right??

  • 2nd May 06, 10:20 PM

    Originally Posted by angerli

    I guess that Jonesing comes from "keeping up with the Joneses", right??

    The word/phrase "jonesing" comes from the slang "jonesing for" heroin, derived from a notorious alley in NYC where addicts would/do wait for the man....
  • 3rd May 06, 01:16 AM
    Ah-ha. Not only do I get GAS (6 and gassing) but I get MAS (Mandolin Acquisition Syndrome – 2). Now I’ve gone and added “jonesing”… talk about living in the material world.

    Seriously though, I don’t think ‘jonesing’ is limited to kilts. Perhaps we all just suffer from KAS. After all, KAS happens.

    I'm in trouble now.
  • 3rd May 06, 05:52 AM

    I guess you may be glad not to live in my area.

    I'm about 16 miles from the Martin Guitar Factory!

    It is almost as bad as going to a Celtic Fest with a new credit card!
  • 3rd May 06, 06:33 AM
    Nope, don't have GAS. I've never owned more that 2 guitars at once, and am actually down to one right now (there it is right over there, right next to my mandolin, banjo, mountain dulcimer.....)

  • 3rd May 06, 07:18 AM

    I seem to have both Syndromes. I need another USMC kilt and most definitely need another Taylor

  • 3rd May 06, 07:45 AM
    Flying is just as addictive. I currently belong to a group which flies an old Piper Cherokee. I want to spend more money on completing my Instrument Rating so that I can enjoy the aircraft's full potential for making longer trips without needing to worry if the weather will hold. Yet I also want to buy into a share in an Ikarus C-42 - a little fun aeroplane for local trips which my wife, who is disabled, will easily be able to get into and share my flying. Yet when I come back from a day's flying I often dream of collecting all the kilts which the flying money would have bought.

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