X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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Power Point presentation
Hello all kilted gang,
I'm thinking to create a Power Point presentation that could explain everything about the kilt. That could be very useful for general public
who knows nothing about that type of cloth.
For example the presentation could be very useful for public invited to attend a tartan day or a celic event. That could be nice also during corporative events.
A tentative title : "Kilt wearing for Dummies"
I would like to include the following things in the presentation :
1- The origin
2- The different type of kilts
3- The different parts of a dress (Sporan and al.)
4- The tartans
5- The pleats
6- Outfits
7- Who can wear it ?
8- Why wear it ?
9- When wear it ?
10- How to deal with possible adverse reactions.
11- Q & A
I will appreciate any comments and suggestions for that project.
I plan creating it an english and french version and make it availiable online.
Brilliant idea! How about a “do’s and don’ts” section?
don't forget that you need to make a scottish gaelic version.
one slide.
"to all answers: Because!"
cool idea
Cool idea! Please make note of me for when it is done. You might check with Matthew Newsome for some authoritive information. He is very knowledgeable and a member of "Xmarks" but I do not recall his ID. Here is a link to his site
Might better think about a different name for the project though. The "Dummies" folks may take issue with you.
Good luck on it.
Originally Posted by dirkskene
Cool idea! Please make note of me for when it is done. You might check with Matthew Newsome for some authoritive information. He is very knowledgeable and a member of "Xmarks" but I do not recall his ID. Here is a link to his site
Might better think about a different name for the project though. The "Dummies" folks may take issue with you.
Good luck on it.
could use "Kilting for the non-kilted"
"Kilt - It's a Guy Thing"
I think it sounds like a great idea. Be sure to do research, and as someone else mentioned. Maybe even run it by us here as you get going. We can act as proofreaders.
Either way, keep us updated!
I'd suggest including a section on traditional vs.contemporary kilts, i.e., tartan, leather, camo, khaki, etc, including hybrids that incorporate such mod-cons as pockets but follow traditional construction styling.
Originally Posted by parpin
.... A tentative title : "Kilt wearing for Dummies"
Hmmm... some people might interpret that to mean that kilt wearers are dummies!
How about...
"What's up with the kilt?!"
"A kilts Primer for the not so timid"
Originally Posted by cavscout
"Kilt - It's a Guy Thing"
This one is PERFECT. It says it all and leads the audience to expect further information. Very good.
I love the idea of a PP presentation.