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  • 29th March 07, 05:10 PM
    Kilts, Scotland, & Fly Fishing
    As I have mentioned before, I have never had a problem with my wife's reaction to my kilt, sporran, etc. As a matter of fact, she has even let me join a Scottish re-enactment unit, Muskets of the Crown.

    So today being my birthday, she gives my fly-fishing gear and says, "Next year we will have to get you to Scotland so you can fly fish in your kilt."

    What a woman!!
  • 29th March 07, 05:17 PM
    To quote Napoleon Dynamite, "Lucky!"
  • 29th March 07, 05:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Graywolf View Post
    As I have mentioned before, I have never had a problem with my wife's reaction to my kilt, sporran, etc. As a matter of fact, she has even let me join a Scottish re-enactment unit, Muskets of the Crown.

    So today being my birthday, she gives my fly-fishing gear and says, "Next year we will have to get you to Scotland so you can fly fish in your kilt."

    What a woman!!

    ... I hate you right now... :lol:
  • 29th March 07, 05:43 PM
    If I give you my phone number can you have your wife call my wife...
  • 29th March 07, 05:44 PM
  • 29th March 07, 06:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Graywolf View Post
    As I have mentioned before, I have never had a problem with my wife's reaction to my kilt, sporran, etc. As a matter of fact, she has even let me join a Scottish re-enactment unit, Muskets of the Crown.
    . . .!!

    We're all gonna beat you up.
  • 29th March 07, 06:14 PM
    auld argonian
    If you have crappie near abouts, I urge you to get out there and get your fly-fishing chops together by going after them...mucho fun fishing for crappie on the fly rod...they're just starting to wake up around here and I can't wait to get out after a few.


  • 29th March 07, 06:32 PM

    Thanx for the info. My son got me the rod and reel, and my wife the line, a book and some flies - friends of mine have a farm with some bass, crappie, blue gill and sunfish - so your advice is greatly appreciated.
  • 29th March 07, 06:33 PM
    Kilted Elder,

    Send your phone number and I 'll have her call yours.
  • 29th March 07, 07:44 PM
    We still have to beat you.:D

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