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Airman Bradley

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  • 19th July 07, 12:07 PM
    Tattoo Bradley
    Airman Bradley
    Seeing as the topic of military service has been brought up several times on the board, and I recall a poll about those having served in the military, I thought I'd post this. Most everyone here knows what I look like now and where my life has taken me since my AF days. So, the difference is almost striking. Mom scanned this and sent it to me the other day. Judging from my rank and the lack of a National Defense ribbon on my jacket, I would guess this picture was taken sometime right before or possibly right after September 11, 2001 (NDSM was awarded a couple of months after the attacks.)

  • 19th July 07, 12:09 PM
    This guy looks sort of familiar. I just can't place him though... :lol:

    A handsome picture to be proud of!


  • 19th July 07, 12:27 PM
    Great picture, thanks for posting it.
  • 19th July 07, 12:34 PM
    Dude. you look so respectable. Damn, I have to go and see if I have any of my old enlistment pictures...nah, I still didn't look respectable back then.

  • 19th July 07, 12:47 PM
    Where does the time go? excellent pic and post! Thank you for your service.
  • 19th July 07, 02:21 PM
    Great picture there, I spent some time with the Air National Guard in the early 80's but alas those pictures have long since vanished:(
  • 19th July 07, 02:27 PM
    Looking good. Well done on serving your country.
  • 19th July 07, 02:48 PM
    Wow Brad, That certainly shows how life can change someone (for the better, I might add!)
  • 19th July 07, 03:22 PM
    You certainly look different. You're still a handsome chap.
    Thank you for your service.
  • 19th July 07, 03:33 PM
    John Fiske
    Great picture. Thank you for your service to our country! :clap:

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