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  • 2nd August 07, 10:58 PM
    Keep Your Fingers Crossed!
    Well, I'm trying to fund my first hand-sewn, wool kilt. It won't be 8 yards or 16 oz wool... I'm thinking one of Newsome's 4-yard box or 5-yard knife pleated kilts in a particular 13oz fabric. To do so I'm gonna sell off one of the only pieces of video gear I actually own... and have only used twice. My steadicam clone...

    Glidecam 4000 Pro

    It already has some bids, so I know it'll sell. Let's just all pray to the gods and/or goddesses of kiltdom that it'll sell for enough!
  • 2nd August 07, 11:12 PM
    David Dalglish
    Good luck with the sale.
  • 3rd August 07, 01:23 AM
    No point hanging onto stuff you don't use any more. Just think how much happier you'll be when you get that new kilt.
  • 3rd August 07, 03:41 AM
    A man in a kilt is a man and a half. A man without his steadicam is a man with funds for a kilt. Wise move I say. Good luck with your project!
  • 3rd August 07, 04:05 AM
    But the cam could then have been used to record your joy in your new kilt! :lol:
  • 3rd August 07, 05:18 AM
    Just proof, ....you can't have your kilt and film it too.
  • 3rd August 07, 05:28 AM

    Originally Posted by McClef View Post
    But the cam could then have been used to record your joy in your new kilt! :lol:

    Oh, I still have access to the cameras, I've never owned those... too dang expensive!

    I started thinking about how often I used the thing and how often I wanted to wear a wool kilt... decision was easy at that point!

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