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  • 24th August 08, 04:54 PM
    celtic guitar
    Greetings from a newbie in Bakersfield, CA!
    Hi, everybody! Just joined the community here & wanted to say hello. I've owned a traditional kilt in my family tartan for several years, but am very keen to wear something similar every day. I work out of the house via a high-speed internet connection (yes, I know, lucky b*****d!:D), so I can wear basically whatever I want on a daily basis. Anyway, I've been researching "modern" kilts and have pretty much settled on getting a Utilikilt, either an Original or Workman's model. I'm leaning more toward the Workman's at this point, since I'm a pretty handy guy and always seem to have a few tools in my pockets, along with my Leatherman; I just wanted to get a few opinions and suggestions out there in the kilted community. I definitely like the feel of freedom for the "twins" when wearing my traditional kilt, but who wants to wear a $500 wool kilt in August in California?!?!? I did call up Utilikilts to try & order one last week, but alas, they had nothing in my size (42" x 21.5" as measured per their website). I'm still debating on the model at this point, but I really like the pockets & options the Workman's model has. Plus, the ability to carry a few Guinness's is always a plus with me :). Again, I appreciate any input and/or suggestions regarding everyone's experience with Utilikilts and similar aftermarket MUG's. Thanks, Mark
  • 24th August 08, 05:09 PM
    :welcome: from the middle of the States
  • 24th August 08, 05:13 PM
    Daibhidh O'Baoighill
    :welcome: from WV! :) Sorry, can't give ant advice on the UK's...don't own any, but the workman sounds great.
  • 24th August 08, 05:19 PM
    Welcome from Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • 24th August 08, 05:31 PM
    Welcome from Fort Worth!
  • 24th August 08, 05:38 PM
    Mael Coluim
    :welcome: from the Old Dominion State!
  • 24th August 08, 05:38 PM
    Cead mille failte!
  • 24th August 08, 05:42 PM
    :welcome: from Seattle, WA.
  • 24th August 08, 06:19 PM
    :welcome: from Chicago
  • 24th August 08, 06:41 PM
    Welcome from Eastern Washington State.

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