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  • 22nd August 09, 04:16 PM
    Great News( for me at least)
    The last couple of years I've been hacking away at my guitar trying to learn it the best I can. Finally afters months of listening to my daughter( who's studying to be a music educator) berate me for not taking lessons, I signed up for lessons at the music store she works in. My current passion in music is Irish Folk music. Dubliners, Chieftains, Barleycorn, that sort of stuff. I recenlty purchased a book on Traditional Irish Guitar Accompaniment. I got it last week and have been working hard on lesson 1.

    Well today, my teacher told me that it sounds like I'm playing music rather than working my way through a lesson. Doesn't sound like much I guess but it was music to my ears. I have had to unlearn so many things due to bad habits and all. Unlearning is so much harder than learning.

    One of my bucket list items is to play Irish Pub tunes before a live audience. I might actually make by St Patricks Day next year.

    Make it a great day
  • 22nd August 09, 04:32 PM
    COOL! :cool:
  • 22nd August 09, 04:40 PM
    The scourge of all who try to be musicians without lessons is spending more time unlearning bad habits then learning to do it right the first time. I have been blessed by a great tutor since the beginning on the Great Highland Bagpipes.
    I hope to see a good You Tube of your debut performance.
    Practice hard, play it with pleasure, enjoy the ride.
  • 22nd August 09, 09:30 PM

    Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    The scourge of all who try to be musicians without lessons is spending more time unlearning bad habits then learning to do it right the first time. I have been blessed by a great tutor since the beginning on the Great Highland Bagpipes.
    I hope to see a good You Tube of your debut performance.
    Practice hard, play it with pleasure, enjoy the ride.

    Now that you've thrown down the gauntlet, I am looking forward to your YouTube as well !
  • 23rd August 09, 01:33 AM
    David Dalglish
    Stick at it-Its worth it.
  • 23rd August 09, 07:40 PM
    Hang in there.

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