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Comment At Church

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  • 25th January 10, 02:26 PM
    Comment At Church
    I attend church every Sunday and always wear a kilt. Yesterday a young lady in the congregation approached me and said, "You always look so nice and I'm pleased to see you upholding your tradition." Said young lady is about 13 years old and for the record (not that it matters) is Black.

    As we are leaving church after service, I am often approached by one or more of the men who say that they wish they had worn their kilt and how good I look in mine.

    It would be nice to see more kilties at church, as for now, I'm the only one.
  • 25th January 10, 02:29 PM
    I wear my kilt to church on Sunday's as well. Only once, on a particularly nasty, slushy, muddy, cold day did I wear p@nts and half the congregation wanted to know where my kilt was.
  • 25th January 10, 02:48 PM
    what a sweet girl :)
  • 25th January 10, 02:50 PM
    Awesome! I want to wear mine to church. Just need to get a nice jacket for it and I will be set.
  • 25th January 10, 05:21 PM
    I wore my kilt to my wife's church on Christmas Eve, and then to midnight mass at my church. Wow, I got the looks, but many positive comments. So, everyone, wear that kilt to church! Who knows, we might have a special place in the sky for doing so. LOL
  • 25th January 10, 07:36 PM
    Alan H
    Good on ye. I also strap on a kilt for church, though I'm not as regular an attendee as you are.
  • 25th January 10, 10:25 PM

    Originally Posted by denmcdough View Post
    I wore my kilt to my wife's church on Christmas Eve, and then to midnight mass at my church. Wow, I got the looks, but many positive comments. So, everyone, wear that kilt to church! Who knows, we might have a special place in the sky for doing so. LOL

    I enjoyed this! My wife is Protestant and I am Catholic so we do this every Sunday (both services). Yesterday, we were asked to bring the offertory up at Mass and I was about 5 feet from the priest and he busted a smile and said "Love that kilt".
  • 26th January 10, 12:14 AM

    Originally Posted by bricekolob View Post
    Awesome! I want to wear mine to church. Just need to get a nice jacket for it and I will be set.

    Brice, when you do, you have to let me know how it goes!
  • 26th January 10, 06:27 AM
    Frank McGrath
    I wear my kilt to church regularly. The one day I wore the dreaded p@#$%, My pastor hollered out, "Frank, I didn't recognize you with pants on". That drew unwanted attention from several old ladies that were talking to him.
  • 26th January 10, 08:16 AM

    Originally Posted by bricekolob View Post
    Awesome! I want to wear mine to church. Just need to get a nice jacket for it and I will be set.

    I wear a Kilt to church every time. I do not wear a jacket, usually, I wear a sweater, often a shirt and tie.

    Now, what is your excuse? (Light tongue in cheek)

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