Announcing A Few Changes To The Staff Roster.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It falls to me to announce some changes to the Forum Staff.
After many years honorably serving this forum, two of our Forum Moderators are retiring.
Will you please join me in thanking Splash_4 (Mike) and Kiltedmusiclover (Nelson) for their service and dedication to this forum.
Nelson and Mike have been Forum Moderators for a very long time. Nelson is the Moderator with the longest service of any staff member. He was one of the first chosen by Hank to become House Chairman, the forerunner of our current Forum Moderator. Mike joined the staff within a year.
Both have spent many hours and shed many a tear and drop of sweat keeping this forum running smoothly. Every new Moderator felt the sense of history and wisdom that Nelson and Mike brought to the forum.
They both deserve our thanks and respect.
I am now pleased to announce that some new faces will be joining our staff.
Will you all please welcome our newest Forum Moderators.
Cessna152towser (Alex)
Mael Coluim (Ern)
Squeaky McMurdo (Chelsea)
ThistleDown (Rex)
With the addition of four new Forum Moderators our staff now spans 9 time zones and 4 countries. (and 2 genders) We hope this will give the staff the depth and range we have been looking for.