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Utilikilt Jean Cut

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  • 12th January 13, 12:17 PM
    Utilikilt Jean Cut
    I snapped up this NWOT 2007 denim Utilikilt Jean Cut off Ebay mostly because of the rear pockets and it's rarity.
    They are much like the current Original except: it's denim, has the jean pockets in back, has 3 more peats, is selvaged (overlocked) instead of hemmed, it had the no snap "floating" waist band ( I fixed that ) and the underpleating on both aprons is different. ( I also tightened the 3 loose top apron snaps that go through only one layer of fabric - This problem has been around a very long time. It leads to quite a few kilts on Ebay with torn and patched aprons.)

    Discovered this 34x23 kilt has the best action or waggle of any Utilkilt I own, including the denim Workmans. The denim is the same - I measured the thickness. Probably due to not being hemmed and the extra pleats. Maybe as much action as can be expected of a reverse Kinguise pleat system. Of all my Utilikilts, the denims get the best pleat action and lay - probably due to the diagonal flexability of denim.
    The serged (overlock stitched) hem does need the iron after hang drying.

    The pictures - indoors, it's 22 degrees F with a "brisk" wind outside: Front view with all my c**p uh-hum stuff on and in the pockets.
    The rest is without the stuff just the kilt, belt and me. Front:
    Pleat spread:
    Rear with legs out - it takes a lot to open that box pleat - but it opens when walking:

    Sock Color - when I was getting dressed this morning I thought I was going to wear my Caramel UK Workman another day. Then changed my mind - I wanted to see how this one worked in the cold - real good!
  • 12th January 13, 02:38 PM
    Looks awesome. Great kilt!
  • 12th January 13, 08:00 PM
    I have 4 of those denim Utilikilts and yes they are nice kilts
  • 14th May 13, 05:11 PM
    Where did you get this denim kilt? I love it.
  • 14th May 13, 10:46 PM
    Another very nice denim kilt is depicted here http://www.rkilts.com/blog/index.php.../a-comparison/. I do not own a denim one but I do own Robert's hemp and can attest to the quality of the workmanship. The other thing that is a big deal to me is that the aprons are traditional and not the narrow apron found on the UK.
  • 15th May 13, 06:00 AM

    Originally Posted by Starhunter451 View Post
    Where did you get this denim kilt? I love it.

    I think Utilikilt hasn't sold these since 2008.
    I had email notification set up on ebay for about 2 years before a good one in my size showed up at auction.
    I am lucky as my size is common for the teens who don't wear them much (peer pressure) and grow out of them before gaining enough self confidence to wear a kilt. 12 of my 30 Utilikilts are from ebay - almost all near new and never washed.
  • 15th May 13, 12:09 PM
    Looking good, cool kilt.
  • 7th July 13, 05:06 PM

    Probably due to not being hemmed and the extra pleats. Maybe as much action as can be expected of a reverse Kinguise pleat system. Of all my Utilikilts, the denims get the best pleat action and lay - probably due to the diagonal flexability of denim.
    I think of denim as pretty stiff compared to cotton drill fabrique, so it is less prone to wrinkle. Who is this guy called Kinguise?
  • 10th July 13, 05:45 AM

    Originally Posted by cryptoman View Post
    I think of denim as pretty stiff compared to cotton drill fabrique, so it is less prone to wrinkle. Who is this guy called Kinguise?

    Kinguise is a town/district in Scotland where the pleat system was first seen. It is spelled a bit different I think.

    Denim, when new, has a lot of sizing in it that makes it stiff. There are also several different weaves of denim.

    A trick I use on new denim and on the cotton ducks, is, after they have been hang dried, I toss them in the cold dryer for 10 minutes with a dozen clean tennis balls. It makes the denim diaper (nappy) soft without any apparent harm. On the ducks, it reduces the stiffness and abrasiveness :cry: - some.

    These broken in Utilikilt denims seem totally immune to wrinkles.
  • 10th July 13, 11:29 AM
    I envy your flat underbelly, it makes kilts look superb on your waist. :oops: I recently bought a Biker Skilt with extra thikness on the waistband. Is cotton drill really that rigid? The adjustable waistband sounds good in theory but make the adjustment a pain in the ***. As long as I cannot bend over properly I think the extra stiffness makes it unwearable to me. :shock:

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