X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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Great to see you again Andy. Looks like a great group of friends.
Great pics, what a lot of fun!
Man, you and your friends can do a great Hamish. And, two of the Ladies were wearing a Northumberland Tartan. Cool.
You, Tokuya, and Rie = :clap:
You and the Lassies = :clap::clap:
You and the Lads = :think:
Tokuya, you, and Andy look okay, but Take's a little stiff, and Yoshinori looks like he's doing a hard-style kata.
Sorry, I just remember a similar position from Yang-style T'ai Chi Ch'uan (minus the car keys).
That is cool! Thank you for the pictures. It's great to see everyone getting in to it!
OK, now that is a scream....