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  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th October 22
    Merrimack, NH
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    Exclamation Tis the season for scammers

    Hello all my fellow kilted Scots and Scots adjacent,

    I'm sure this goes under the radar for most people, but this is the peak time for scammers and hackers, and they have seriously increased their level of difficulty in getting caught. Very official looking emails and phone calls (caller ID shows as your bank number) have been reported widely, and I have had to deal with a few breeches recently. Be cautious. Don't reuse passwords. I've started using (and made my family start using) password managers (Cyber Security heads have suggested Bitwarden) and I would encourage everyone to not have your passwords saved in your browser. This was how my wife and I nearly lost our bank accounts. Malware lifted the saved passwords from the browser. I would hate to hear of someone losing their checking, savings or house because they didn't take precautions.

    Have a safe and happy holidays! Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ùr

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