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  1. #1
    Join Date
    30th June 04
    Houston, Texas
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    Where I'm at, yet again

    The rabble:

    A while back I posted a long and rambling discourse on where I was at in my kilting journey. The short version is: like 'em all, warming to more traditional wool, short yardage kilts.

    The two kilts that are getting the most time are the Newsome box pleat (charcoal tweed) and the USAK Leatherneck five yard. Initially, I used these two kilts as my "special occasion" kilts. They dress up mighty fine, and I'm proud to show off the handiwork of Matt and Rocky (and Kelly).

    At the same time, I've noticed that more and more, if it's time to run to the store, or drop off some files or run by a vendor, I'll change out of my knockabout kilts (poly-cotton, PV, acrylic) and change into one of these two kilts.

    With a t-shirt and Keene sandals, or with a dress shirt, hose, flashes and Born brogues (or Docs), these kilts just work. I don't use them for knockabout duty, but I do use them for just about everything else.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th April 06
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    The power of the kilt, you can't beat it, dressed up or down, they are great

  3. #3
    Join Date
    10th December 06
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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    I am finding that right now because of the heat I am going to the USAK Black Stewart Semi. Traditional, or my Maple Leaf Tartan from Canadian Casual Kilts.

    I am eagerly waiting for Pete to finish up with a new 5 yard wool kilt that will of course get lots of wear once it's delivered.

    I find that as this journey progresses things change quite a bit, I have become I think more flexible than i was, when i first started in on this a kilt was 8 yards, knife pleated, 16 oz wool, and that was that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th October 06
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    That is quite an interesting journey as my has changed significantly along the way as well. My first kilt was a Stillwater standard. That lasted all of about 1 month before I "upgraded" to a heavyweight. Once I did that, I gave the standard to my nephew. My next step was ordering an 8(9) yarder 16oz and 4(5) yard box pleat from Matt. Not satisfied, I then ordered a 13oz from kiltstore.net. My kollection now stands at 3 Stillwater heavyweights, 1 13oz 8 yarder, 1 16oz 8 yarder. 1 16oz box pleat and a roll of xmarks 16oz tartan waiting to be made. I find that for knocking around, I use one of the heavyweights (because if I damage it, it is easy and cheap to replace). I use the box pleats most days when I am going to be 'seen' by the public and the 13oz and the 16oz when I am 'dressing' up. At some point, I want to order a USAK to be worn during the summer as a knock around and games kilt.

    It is interesting that every path is different and it suits each of our individual tastes, isn't it?
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    23rd May 07
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    Still pretty new to kilts. Haven't worn pants in a couple of weeks though. I am trying to get a whole bunch of knockabouts in my collection before getting a couple of nice ones.

    So far the SWKs' are my favorites, followed by home made kilts, the UK is last.

    Eagerly awaiting the FK seven pocket cargo kilt. Ordering from SWK again tomorrow (and preparing myself for that torture level three day jones )

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Midland, TX
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    I'm kind of like you Kid Cossack. I'm definitely moving more and more towards worsted wool. I do love my USAK casuals though. Such a great product for the money. I also want at least one FK at some point and a leather R-Kilt.


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