1st August 07, 08:19 AM
Kilted on the dinner train.
Last night was the final run of the Spirit of Washington dinner train from its local depot near our home. The track has been sold and will be torn up for a freeway expansion. The experience is 3.5 hours of fine cuisine and drink with a visit to the Columbia Winery then back home. The train has always been our favorite indulgence (it's fairly expensive), so this was somewhat of a special night for Liz and I as the train was our first date 7 years ago and it was our 10th excursion with them.
I received several positive comments and 3 people asked my clan affiliation, but thankfully, nobody asked "the question." Below is a pic taken before our departure. Note the shoes on my lovely bride!
1st August 07, 08:34 AM
Great Shot. The shoes complement so well. To bad to hear about anouther great train run going away. Ah! kilts ,trains, beautiful women. life must be good....
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau
1st August 07, 08:42 AM
You both look wonderful, trains seem to be a far more civilized way to travel than most, that may be why those on the train had the good sense not to ask the question. It's too bad that was the last ride, however its good to see that you and your lovely wife had a nice night out.
1st August 07, 09:04 AM
Not many trains in the boondocks of Idaho but my wife and I fell in love with train travel on our first trip to the UK. Sounds like you had a grand adventure. By the way, your wife's shoes are the cat's pajamas!
1st August 07, 09:53 AM
I see you two managed to survive Ferintosh. Good for you.
Too bad about the train but as has been said at least you had a good night out.
Ferret ad astra virtus
1st August 07, 11:18 AM
You both look great and those are KILLEr shoes!!!
1st August 07, 02:05 PM
Glad that you at least had the opportunity to take the trip. Wonderful experience I am sure.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
1st August 07, 03:50 PM
Lookin' good - oh and the guy in the kilt looks okay, too.
1st August 07, 04:06 PM
The kilt looks good, but it is disappointing that they are tearing up rail to build a freeway. In the long run it would be more sensible to tear up freeways for rail.
1st August 07, 04:37 PM
I guess with those shoes, nobody noticed your kilt!
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