16th June 09, 12:37 PM
Memories and my first kilt
I have been reading many a thread regarding first kilts and the joy they bring. I have never taken the opportunity to share the story of my first kilt and what it has done for me. I think now is a good time to share the story. I will give you a heads up, this is not a funny story. But it will do me well to share it.
For most of my life I grew up listening to my grandfather tell the family that we were Irish, from Canada. I always understood that meant the family is of Irish decent, but he moved to the US from Canada. Many years later My father took a trip to Scotland and other parts of Europe. While there he did some research and found that originally our family came from Scotland then moved to Ireland and so on. Now, even befor I heard this I knew I wanted to wear a kilt. I even tried to figure out the appropriate tartan. An old scottish friend of my father helped do some research and found the family, Gorley, was a sept of Clan MacDuff, and his mother an Armstrong. My dad was not too keen on me wearing a kilt. He never said it, but I could tell. With this knowledge I decided to order an 8yd traditional 16oz MacDuff Dress, along with the Argyle trimmings, from Scotweb. This was last april. I was set to receive it in May. My hats off to Scotweb, the service was great and the product superb. Sorry Nick, I still have yet to post reviews and pics, I am working on it.
So the wait began. Like a child waiting for Santa I eagerly tracked the progress. With every update I got that much more excited. I decided to have it all shipped to my work, as nobody would be home to accept it. Finally it shipped. How the jonesing killed me. Then customs, I wish I had known befor! But, it is the law and I am OK with that. Finally it was all worked out and I would have it in my hands in just days. I tracked its trek across the country.
It was a Tuesday morning and I went to work. I work at a Credit Union in SW Washington. I checked my email and saw that it was to be delivered on Wednesday, the next day! I was going bonkers! Then something terrible happend. I was sitting at my desk and I looked up to see a guy in a mask with a gun in his hand. My first thought was, "That is not a funny joke!" And then he spoke and I knew it was real. I will spare you the details, but I am sure you can imagine. Aside from a good share of pepper spray for all of us we were physically unharmed.
My CEO told us to take the rest of the week off. I responded that I had to come back tomorrow, as my package would be arriving. I told him what I ordered and he smiled and shook his head. He is a great person, even if I can't wear the kilt to work. The next morning I got the call that a package for me was there and waiting. It took me an hour to get the nerve to drive in and pick it up. When I did it was quite emotional, for me and my coworkers. Just opening the package made me smile, like I always do. Then to hear everyone tell me how gorgeous it all was filled me with pride. As I had the rest of the day off and my dad is retired I made the 10 minute drive to his house. He welcomed me with a great hug, he had heard the story. As I started to unpack the box I could see that he was getting pretty excited as well. In fact it was he who suggested I try it all on. When I did he took care to help me look my best. For not having a great relationship with him during my childhood, this was amazing. You could tell that he was proud of me. Not only for how I handled the experince at work, but for being proud of my heritage. Now I own 5 kilts and he is happy to hear the news of a new purchase and gets excited for me when I place an order.
The short of the story is that a kilt, a piece of clothing, could help me get over a horrible experience and bring my dad and I closer together.
Thanks to my XMTS family for listening.
James Gorley
Highland Thrower
16th June 09, 12:53 PM
Quite a story. Thanks for sharing it.
[I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]
16th June 09, 12:55 PM
A grand story sir, thanks so much for sharing! Very glad that the heist turned out okay, and no one was harmed.
16th June 09, 01:12 PM
I thought you were going to say that the robber took your package! Glad to hear everyone was ok and your dad is proud of you (again.)
16th June 09, 02:20 PM
Wow. Quite the adventure! Glad it turned out as it did...
Kilted Elder
Chaplain & Charter Member, The Clan MacMillan Society of Texas [12 June 2007]
Member, Clan MacMillan International [2005]
16th June 09, 02:25 PM
Glad things turned out alright . Sounds like you and I had the same father.
16th June 09, 03:26 PM
Wow. I doubt many people will have an end-of-the-jones story as gripping as that one. I'm glad it ended well.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
16th June 09, 04:03 PM
Great story, thank you for sharing. I can't wait to order my first kilt.
16th June 09, 06:55 PM
16th June 09, 07:07 PM
Thanks for sharing this story. One of the best I've read on Xmarks!
Animo non astutia
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