20th October 09, 11:24 AM
Question about Marine Ball
OK, I've been invited to attend a USMC Birthday Ball. Dress is no problem, kilt, PC etc. But my military experience was with the New Zealand Army. Are thier any special protocol or custom things I need to watch out for? I know some of the Corps history and about the cake and oldest/youngest cutting it, but would like to be aware of anything else.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
20th October 09, 12:54 PM
Just proudly wear any medals the you may have been awarded while in the army in New Zealand. That and have a good time.
20th October 09, 01:11 PM
Nothing special you need be concerned about. I'll be wearing my Leatherneck kilt with PC and miniature medals. In my experience, the traditional meal consists of steak and lobster, but your mileage may vary.
This will be my first time kilted at the ball. At 45, I'm one of the youngest active members of my league chapter. This will be the first year in a long time we aren't holding our ball in conjunction with the local reserve unit as they're gearing up to deploy and have decided to keep theirs to just Marines and immediate family members this time. Gods I hope I don't turn out to be the youngest Marine present, that would be embarrassing! I'm no kid any more.
20th October 09, 01:27 PM
Are you going to an Officer or Enlisted Ball? Are you going to Cherry Point? While I was there the Ball was held in an Aircraft hanger. They had a few old aircraft on display for photos and it can get a little cool in there for ladies with sleeveless gowns. They are all pretty much the same itinerary. The reading of Gen. Lejunes Birthday address is a big deal. There will be plenty of toasts to keep the whistle wet All in all it's a very good evening that all Marines take great pride in. Have a great time.
20th October 09, 01:52 PM
 Originally Posted by cavscout
Are you going to an Officer or Enlisted Ball? Are you going to Cherry Point? While I was there the Ball was held in an Aircraft hanger. They had a few old aircraft on display for photos and it can get a little cool in there for ladies with sleeveless gowns. They are all pretty much the same itinerary. The reading of Gen. Lejunes Birthday address is a big deal. There will be plenty of toasts to keep the whistle wet  All in all it's a very good evening that all Marines take great pride in. Have a great time.
This one is hosted by the Commanding Officer, MCAS Cherry Point, bujt it's been moved to the Convention Center in New Bern for several years. Guess the hangar was too cold!
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
20th October 09, 01:55 PM
Mention might be made of the Royal Welch Fusiliers Regiment and their special relationship with the Marines during the Boxer Rebellion:
20th October 09, 02:04 PM
That should be a much more comfortable venue, but it was a very cool atmosphere in the hanger with the planes around (EA6B, T38, AV8, and a couple of Bi-Planes). They draped parachutes from the rafters that gave it a nostalgic feel.
As others have said, feel free to wear your medals. Marines are always happy to have others at the Ball. The last Ball I attended we had a group of folks with our unit from several different countries military's and they wore their uniforms and shared the evening with us. Great time of camaraderie and heritage.
20th October 09, 02:34 PM
You will find that a Marine Corps Birthday Ball is the only time when the officers and men (read that officers and enlisted) will mix socially with no stigma attached. It is a sacred time for Marines, and also a time to kick loose and celebrate the Corps.
If you are not a Marine, you will find the pomp and circumstance to be impressive, fun, and probably exciting. But you will not be excluded or ostracized for not being one of the few and the proud. You'll be welcomed and honored.
Enjoy your evening. I suspect it will be quite memorable. Be sure to wear you own medals and be prepared to discuss them and your own experience. Marines love to swap sea stories.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
20th October 09, 05:17 PM
Some advice from a Navy vet, when talking with Marines talking slowly and use small words. Just kidding!
I don't think you do any better than to treat people as you would like to be treated. You may see a small table set as a memorial to fallen comrades. If you've never seen it before check it out. I last saw one at my last submarine reunion. It was quite moving.
Have fun
20th October 09, 05:55 PM
 Originally Posted by timseh
the traditional meal consists of steak and lobster,
Surf & turf, how fitting. I take it that it's not coincidental.
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