22nd June 07, 10:32 AM
My first accessory/My Tattoo! Do you have any
I know technically this isn’t an accessory like a sporran, belt, etc.. But I still think that Celtic Tat’s are a great add-on to the Kilt.
One of my brothers is an Apache Pilot about ready to go Afghanistan; me and my other brother thought it would be fitting to get a bit of our family pride stamped on us before he goes! Here’s the picture I drew up of our Family Crest and Coat of Arms. It’s not in color yet. We’ll be getting this done next week and I’ll show the finished product at that time.
Does anyone else have ink?

Note; I’ve submitted this rough drawing to the tattoo artist and He’s cleaning up the lines to make it look a bit more professional and cleaner.
22nd June 07, 10:37 AM
22nd June 07, 10:46 AM
Cheers. Didn't meen to go off toppic. ;)
22nd June 07, 10:52 AM
Very nice design, please be sure to post the finished product. (And please pass on our thanks and well wishes to your brother.)
Best regards,
[B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]
22nd June 07, 10:52 AM
It'll make a cool looking tattoo. Just a thought though; in Scotland the Arms are the legal property of the Clan Chief(or whomever they were awarded to). But since you're in the US it's not a big deal. Another option, if you want one, would be to get the badge (like your avatar) done as a tattoo.
William Grant
Stand Fast Craigellachie!
22nd June 07, 10:55 AM
Welcome to the forum, obuchiteck, from a fellow clansman! It's great to do a tattoo bonding thing with your brother. My dad and one of my brothers have the clansman's crest badge as ink. Just one thing: your design includes both the clansman's crest badge and our clan chief's personal coat of arms. There are some threads on this topic (armigers/clansmen, etc. and the ownership of arms) that can explain it better than I can; maybe someone else can chime in. I only bring this up because once the ink's in, it's not coming out. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the forum!
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
22nd June 07, 11:03 AM
 Originally Posted by Macman
Welcome to the forum, obuchiteck, from a fellow clansman! It's great to do a tattoo bonding thing with your brother. My dad and one of my brothers have the clansman's crest badge as ink. Just one thing: your design includes both the clansman's crest badge and our clan chief's personal coat of arms. There are some threads on this topic (armigers/clansmen, etc. and the ownership of arms) that can explain it better than I can; maybe someone else can chime in. I only bring this up because once the ink's in, it's not coming out. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the forum! 
Oh CRAP! My Brother's are on their way up here next week. Where are the threads pertaining to this. or could someone just give me the synopsis.
Like I said in my intro, I’m new to my heritage (long story) and I don’t want make a huge mistake.. Nevertheless I freaking love the Crest and want to keep it if I can, but I don’t want to offend anyone.
22nd June 07, 11:09 AM
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have seen a ton of people with crest or badge tattoos. From my understanding a lot of the family crests are more guidelines. You can change the shield, the knight, etc,etc to suit your own tastes. The design looks good and it represents your family, not just the name. I would stick with it.
It will be very meaningful to have the experience with your brother. My only advice with a crest, it to make it as big as possible and to try and fill in the room on the arm (if that is where it is going). Crests that fill in the spaces just seem to look beeter than a smaller crest with lots of skin around it to me.
For example:
big http://www.bmeink.com/A40824/high/dsc009860.jpg
small http://www.bmeink.com/A50710/high/bmegl091800.jpg
Both good tattoos, but the more filled in it is the better it looks IMHO. With the smaller ones, you'll likely be thinking of something to add to fill it in within the year. I know I did with both arms.
Last edited by Colin; 22nd June 07 at 11:20 AM.
22nd June 07, 11:10 AM
Here is a link to check out: http://www.lyon-court.com/lordlyon/l...=Content.show&
Now whether or not you decide to keep the Arms (shield part) is up to you. Personally I would stick with the Crest/Badge, but that's me. When I got my tattoo I just got the badge. My brother who got his tattoo at the same time got the Grant motto done as a band around his arm.
William Grant
Stand Fast Craigellachie!
22nd June 07, 11:13 AM
Nice design! Can't wait to see the finished tattoo.
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