I had a lucky break on the weekend, was in a local tack shop that also sells outdoors clothing and found a rack of about a dozen Utilikilts, Survivors and Workmans, that had been reduced about 60% (the store is no longer carrying the UK line apparently). I had owned a UK Survivor at one time but had passed it on, so on Saturday I got one back, plus a Workman, both together for less than the cost of my original Survivor! This was around 10:00 hrs on May 29, and I left 8 to 10 on the rack, one was size 38-21 and the rest were all 40-23s I think (UK sizes), so if anyone in the Ottawa, Ontario region wants to PM me, I'll supply the store name etc. This will spare me from going back and buying yet more UKs... or so it is hoped....
Such a deal!
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