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  1. #1
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    Ebay Seller Warning

    This is from a man in another group:

    Hi everyone. Here is a friendly warning for those of you who shop

    I purchased a sporran from AMANDA CAMPBELL, out of PA, who's ebay ID is FUNBYTHEDOZENS. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER! The young lady
    collected my money, has not replied to any of my emails, never sent the sporran and then reported ME to eBay's Square Trade. Below is the link to her "store".


    Again, I recommend that none purchase from this seller.

  2. #2
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    I would be worried- she a feedback of over 10,000, but no items for sale. That is a good indicator that she has lost control of her eBay business, and will soon be kicked off, she has way too many recent negative feedbacks. I suspect this is what happened when Thump Music got kicked off eBay.

  3. #3
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    Question Honest Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sciuropterus
    ...That is a good indicator that she has lost control of her eBay business...
    Please illuminate me... how does one "lose control" of one's eBay business...?

  4. #4
    Bob C's Avatar
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    She has a very good (though not excellent) feedback rating. Maybe she's not the problem...
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  5. #5
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    I have actually bought several items from her in the past and never had a problem. I would hope that this is a temporary problem and you are able to get your money back or your sporran.

    Interestingly enough, the last three items I bought on ebay have never shown up. Negative feedback has not resulted in a refund or the items in any of the cases. In one case the negative feedback was returned, and now I have negative feedback!

    I my opinion, there are more and more people on ebay who are just trying to rip you off. My wife and I have pretty much stopped using ebay except for the occasional 'buy it now' option.

    Brian Mackay
    "I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
    - Franklin P. Adams

  6. #6
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    You lose control when your sales volume exceeds the capabilities of your business structure.

    Some common causes of failure are poor inventory control, unscalable logistics (shipping, accounting, etc. can't keep up with increased volume), unreliable product sources, and pre-selling, a practice where the seller intentionally lists an item for sale when it is not yet in their inventory- a bad thing if you do not have a reliable source.

    In 2003, eBay electronics seller priceitwholesale was an eBay top seller- over $1 million in sales A MONTH. 10 months later they were kicked off eBay due to mounting negative feedback, a spectacular flameout caused by their inability to handle the volume. You can't hide your screwups and growing pains on eBay.

    On a large-scale eBay business, it only takes a few problems to start a disastrous chain-reaction.

  7. #7
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    Thank you for the illumination. I was thinking of far-more nefarious things, such as account impersonation and such... ;)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    e-bay seller warning

    At the beginning e-bay was really good but as others have said it's now beginning to have problems with rogue buyers and sellers moving in and also some of the originally good shop sellers running into management issues - a recent British example was Leedsmodelcentre who at one time had a great feedback score but latterly were getting many negatives. I've done quite a bit of buying and selling model trains and 'planes and 'buses and enjoyed being able to change my collection round at the beginning. Indeed it was through e-bay that I got my user name - wanted to be Towser after a stuffed toy dog which my late mother made many years ago and which still exists but that user name was taken, then I tried Cessna152 which was the 'plane I was flying at the time and that was taken too, so I ran them both together. It made sense to keep the same user name when I started to do fora rather than try to find and remember another one. Lately e-bay's becoming a hassle with buyers having to be prodded umpteen times before they pay and sellers needing prodded before they deliver.

  9. #9
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    Ebay does seems to be going down the tubes

    I used to sell a lot of large format camera equipment and vintage fly fishing tackle on ebay and was making a nice living at it. The deadbeats and constant nagging to get people to pay for items that they had won made me stop selling and just buy. Now the sellers are so questionable that I only buy form sellers that I have had dealings with in the past. It a sham, I have been a member since 1996 or 1996 (i can't remember fo sure) but I am now thinking of canceling my membership. I only hope that they either fix things or someone comes up with a better alterative.

  10. #10
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    I have to agree with AppStateScot. Anymore you have to be very careful with eBay. That's a shame because there are some very nice deals there. I only deal with sellers I know or ones that have been mentioned as good by members of the forum. I'll keep looking on eBay, but I am a lot more cautious!

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