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Thread: The Weekend

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  1. #1
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    The Weekend

    Hell-o all,

    Yes as usual I had overload this weekend with many commitments and goings on (going to have to change that), that kept me in a tailspin.

    No rude comments, no really generic questions like what you got under there. Simply a lot of smiles and nods, however two incidents stand out for me.

    The first I was downtown Saturday walking past the ESPNZone when the trumpets started blaring the theme from the Olympics over the loud speaker. It has always made me stand upright and taller, and this was no different, when a voice behind me said "that is one proud dude!" I turned around and was about to say something, when I saw a guy standing there Kilted and holding his bagpipes.

    The second was what happened to me later in the day, I was walking out of the grocery store when in walked a Marine in his full dress blue uniform. Naturally we said hi and both in unison said smart dresser, a lady walked by and said yes you both are.

    Nothing spectacular in the whole grand scheme of things, but just thought that I would share.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  2. #2
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    Your post reminded me that I have had several encounters with people in the military, and they all have complimented me when kilted. The US Marine Corps Pipe and Drum Band wears a kilt that is like the dress blue pants, including the red stripe down the sides. A very sharp looking unit with the Marine Corps banner streaming from the pipes.


  3. #3
    Graham's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing glen, how are the lads at the coffee shop?
    Tell them Leslie wears her T shirt a lot, it's a favourite.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    Thanks for sharing glen, how are the lads at the coffee shop?
    Tell them Leslie wears her T shirt a lot, it's a favourite.
    Thanks Graham, I will tell Andy (one of the owners and the designer of the shirt) that Leslie is donning the T shirt, I am sure he will be delighted.

    Jeremiah is doing fine and is applying to medical schools. He had a minor accident (as he calls it) and lost the tip of his little finger, but is OK now. Matt has another year of school and is looking forward to Graduate School, and is continually asking me about the Kilt.

    The artwork on the wall this month is one of my favorites, kids aged 6-10 have their work on display, and it is such a joy.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.


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