What a dumb ###! I really wonder if our young people have absolutely nothing between their ears. I'm sorry, but never in my life would I have even considered doing something that stupid.
Although I did have a funny experience on an escalator once. At the Farragut North Metro Station in DC there is a Dunkin Donuts down at the station entrance level. When I used to work downtown I would sometimes stop in to get a donut. That particular day I had been extremely busy and woken up late so I had not been able to eat anything all day. By about 3 PM I was getting extremely light headed from low blood sugar and decided the easiest thing to do would be to pump some sugar into my system and headed down for a donut. I picked up a couple of jelly donuts and started back up the escalators. Well, I had a donut in hand and was about ready to bit into when I fainted and fell forward. The lady behind me tried to roll me over and help me up but she was immediately confronted by a bright crimson stain on my shirt in the middle of my chest. I had simply fallen onto my donut but I was told later that she had begun screaming up a storm and an ambulance was called. I woke up after the medics shoved a sugar paste into my mouth and gave me a wiff of smelling salts. The woman was extremely embarassed that she had mistaken the remnants of a jelly donut for blood. It was all quite funny except that I never got to enjoy that jelly donut!
saddest part is that idiots like him DO survive & then spawn offspring of a similar mental bent by the dozen!!!
There outta be a test that ALL people have to take before they are allow to reproduce to prove that they will be good responsible intelligent parents!!!!
“I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."