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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Kilt-friendly places?

    We've got folks posting here from all over and most of those have been other places (in their kilts). So, how about sharing your recollections of the "most kilt friendly" place you ever went to or maybe you're lucky enough to live there? (Should we rule out Scotland, since we assume that it's "kilt friendly" already, but maybe not!)

    What is "kilt friendly?" Well, while that's pretty subjective, I think it would be safe to say most of the following:

    1) People will look you in the eye and smile when you're wearing a kilt—especially other men.

    2) Some will stop you and ask about your kilt, its tartan, where you got it, what's a “Utilikilt,” etc.

    3) You don't feel like you have green hair or two heads when you are there.

    4) Nobody you encounter will think you're wearing a "dress."

    5) You're not the only guy in town who wears a kilt in public and you've seen the other one for yourself.

    The list goes on, but basically, it's a feeling you get. So, where is this place? Maybe we should consider holding an X Marks the Scott convention there, when we find it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I live there. Kingston, Ontario, friends. 4 and 5 I know are true of the place. I can't speak to the first three yet, as I haven't worn a kilt, but I'm abut 95% certain that they're true here as well.

    Plus, there are a lot of pubs.

  3. #3
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    There are quite a few kilters, both traditional and contemporary, here in the Minneapolis area. From all I've seen over the years, it's also a very kilt-friendly sort of place. Rarely that stupified look of 'What in the hell is that!', but many the 'Nice Kilt!' variety comments, coming from kids, men, and especially ladies. Just the other night, walking into a a pizza place/bluegrass bar I received a 'Nice kilt' from a woman in her mid-60s.

    About the only other place I've been where there was as much of a nonchalance about kilts was Berkeley. But, of course, that's Berkeley. You could have green hair and two heads, and most people wouldn't bat an eyelash at you. After all, there are stranger things seen among the faculty there...

  4. #4
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    I guess we qualify. I live in the suburbs of Vancouver, and have had most if not all of those things be true.

    I have seen the other kilt wearers in the neighborhood, but I have yet to talk with them.

  5. #5
    Moosehead's Avatar
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    The community I live in is certainly NOT one of those places. However, a quick trip to Summerside and its good. After all, the College of Piping is there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I´m in southern Spain right now (checking the forum in the hotel...okey...I´m an idiot).

    It´s an area with many golf courses and lots of tourist...mostly German, Swedish, British and Dutch. The locals are very friendly and are used to "weird" tourists...they really don´t care what you wear. A guy wearing a kilt is just another bloody tourist spending his money...so all is fine

    I met a few Scottish golfers...they where amazed to meet a kilted Dutchman in Spain (I can imagine...), but they highly appreciated it...2 bottles of white wine later they made a pledge to bring their kilts (+ 1 bagpipe) on their next golf trip to Spain.

    Sort of funny I had to tell them it´s okey to wear a kilt whenever and wherever you like...but they agreed.

    Greetings from sunny Spain!

  7. #7
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    Plenty of stares. It seems that everyone is so used to me Kilted that it is a non-issue. Now when I go to areas I do not frequent too much, then all the smiles and sincere questions. Rarely do I ever get any rude comments, or else I have tuned them out.

    Every day is a good day to wear a Kilt, and with that comes the confidence of Kilt wearing.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Other than #5 that describes me almost anywhere. As for #5 I only know one other regular kilt wearer (meaning most of the time), but I have never run into him accidentally. In fact I have only ever run into one person wearing a kilt that wasn't at a formal evert, Celtic event or Ren Fair, and that was a guy who had just gotten his kilt that day as was so excited that he put it on (Yes, I told him about us, but I don't think he has ever show up). Mostly people tell me that they have kilts (or UKs) at home.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    THE friendliest place to wear a kilt...

    My Shop!

    Well... as long as it's a USAK anyway

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I have yet to see another guy wearing a kilt here but I haven't had any real problems wearing mine. After over a year wearing kilts every day nobody really notices much anymore.

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