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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th March 06
    North Dakota
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    The swk arrived today

    Just ordered a new kilt

    My son came over to the house tonight to talk about our next trip to the Highland games in Estes Park, Colorado. So, says I, will you be wearing a kilt to the games? I don't know said the kid. I showed him the stillwater kilts website and mentioned the Nightstalker. He takes one look and said Dad, will you buy me one and I'll pay you back? Sure, so I go about ordering him a kilt thinking to my self hmmm... if this turns out alright I'll have to get one too. Anyway, at that moment in walks his wife who said what are you guys doing ? buying a skirt? NO..... we're buying a kilt. My daughter-in-law said you don't need another one, do you? ( poor kid she has no idea, he he) Anyway, my son didn't say a word he just gave me a dopey look so I pulled up the picture of the Night stalker. My son's wife exclaimed "wow I want one of those" I said sorry this is a mans item of clothing. My son then broke it to her that this was to be his kilt. She was so enthused about it I suppose this is a backhanded sort of approval from her to my son to get the kilt. Now my daughter-in-law wants a skirt in the Nightstalker tartan. I'm hoping that Stillwater will make a full length kilted skirt just to keep the girls happy.
    My son's SKW arrived today I couldn't believe the speed with which it was delivered. That's what I call service. The SWK is not as heavy as my 8yrd trad but for a casual kilt it looks fine. So fine, I ordered one for myself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th April 04
    Denver, Colorado USA
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    Tell your son CONGRATULATIONS and to you as well on your order. Yes the service is great and the Kilts are wonderful.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  3. #3
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
    Join Date
    4th March 06
    A long time ago in a kilt far, far away
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    that is fantastic! Always good to get another kilt!

    Getting that much enthusiasm from the wife is even better!


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