Formula 51 is on USA Network tonight. Yes it will be edited, but it's still fun to watch. 5 PM EDT
Mark Dockendorf Left on the Right Coast
on USA it will be VERY edited...I'm not sure if there will much if any of the original dialogue in the movie. It is a great, and sometimes hilarious movie. Might be worth watching just to see the bonnie lass in the leather outfit.
Forumla 51 edited?!? Hopefully you get a good view of Samuel Jackson in a kilt in those 5 minutes between the beginning and end credits.
Originally Posted by Colin Forumla 51 edited?!? Hopefully you get a good view of Samuel Jackson in a kilt in those 5 minutes between the beginning and end credits. Good grief why even bother? Rob
hmmm....formula 51 edited... SLJ graduates with degree SLJ asleep on airplane SLJ whips punk gang with golf club a-la Mace Windu (star wars) lizard guy on airplane SLJ complains about fish and chips SLJ at club throwing stuff over crowd SLJ & company at soccer match SLJ makes put, and cust to credits before he walks up to castle. Not sure if anything else would get through unedited.
I saw just a little bit of the beginning this afternoon. About every second or third word was bleeped out. I did notice when he sat down on the plane that he did a proper sweep.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
Still, I get a chance to watch it without having to rent it...I'm in
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