Lads & Lassies!
this is aff topic- but ai still think many o' ya will bae interested...
John Paul Jones 'The Faither o the American Navy' was born in 1747
near Kirkbean in Soothwest Scotland (jus 12 miles fraim Dumfries)
the wee hame he was born an raised in is noo a museum...
an it is in serious finacial difficulties and may be facing closure due tae lack o funds....
here is a BBC article aboot it...
ai am askin a' o' ya tae spread the word tae everyyin ya know
who micht bae interested in helpin the Cottage oot by sendin a wee bit o money...
it wuid bae a crying shame tae see this Cottage Museum close...
here is the link tae the 'John Paul Jones Birthplace Museum Trust'
ai figure there has tae bae some Navy arr at least some military folk oot there thot
cuid spread the word an help save this wee piece o Scottish/American history...