I have watched with interest all the attempts at kilt making. So I thought I'd give it a go. I wondered about a canvas kilt, but really wanted to try the intricacies of tartan. But the expense . . . and what if I made a hash of it? I saw the remnant of MacDougal on Fraser and Kirkbright and bought 2 metres. Using Barb's book as a guide and analysing my other kilts I set out. What a lot of fun! Altogether I think it must have taken me the 40 hours or so and I know every wrong stitch on it. But I did it! Total cost? $60 for a 16 oz four and a half yard klt, kilted to stripe. I am more than pleased with the result and thought I'd share the pics with you. I can see all the imperfections, but it was great fun. I would recommend the experience to anyone. Beats making model airplanes.