25th December 06, 06:49 AM
Where's the Glasgow teenager thread gone and why?
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo
Last edited by Foxgun Tom; 22nd January 07 at 11:08 AM.
25th December 06, 06:58 AM
I doubt it was removed because of the original topic... but rather the heated historical debate that broke out between Nanook and Watersheal (I think that's who it was)... Every once in a while some one had decided to take a potshot and it really wasn't going any where...
25th December 06, 07:10 AM
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo
Last edited by Foxgun Tom; 22nd January 07 at 11:18 AM.
25th December 06, 07:17 AM
We are reviewing the thread and looking at our options. One option is to delete the "offending" posts and restore the thread. I think all of the Mods would agree that there was some good posts in this one and we want to come up with a solution that will please the majority of folks, which can be no easy task for a moderator at times.
Again, I am sincerely sorry we have offended you, but as moderators (and I hope good ones) we have to follow the rules and review questionable posts and/or threads -- and that means sometimes taking them down temporarily so the mods can review the situation and not have the personal comments continue.
Last edited by macwilkin; 25th December 06 at 07:48 AM.
25th December 06, 07:40 AM
Last edited by Foxgun Tom; 22nd January 07 at 11:16 AM.
25th December 06, 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Erisianmonkey
I'd like to weigh in here. I think the mods do a great job here. They give us a lot of breathing room and only step in with the moderation when absolutely necessary. Long before I joined this forum, I used to dwell in the anarchic forest of posts that is Usenet. Threads there would stray far off topic and degenerate into flame wars. Here, we have a dedicated group of mods who take the time out of their schedules to make this a pleasant place to be. Whatever they decide to do with that thread or any other, I'd like to give them a vote of thanks for making this my favorite internet community to participate in.
Charles, I couldn't agree with you more.
Originally Posted by Foxgun Tom
Hi Todd
I'm not offended I'm a Scot with broad shouders and hold certain things dear!! one is being able to express myself without being patronised?? Quote" please re-read my post"end Quote I read your post and fully understood what you were conveying to me I have two websites which deal with more contraversial topics than this?? Moderation is a difficult job with little thanks involved?? overall this site is well moderated and those involved do a great job. Can you find out how many Mods are from Scotland, this is the third time asking?????
While this board has a very diverse membership from many countries it's actually based in the United States. While several of the MODs have very strong ties to Scotland I don't think any of them currently live there.
And give them some time to work on that thread - after all, it is a rather major family oriented holiday. Cheers.
Ferret ad astra virtus
25th December 06, 10:57 AM
Moderate Moderation.
I have been to some sites that have no moderators. Those sites suck.
I have been to sites with hypermoderation which limits debates to the point that nothing interesting ever gets discussed.
Our problem here is that we have kilts which pull up talk of politics, fashon, sex, history, quality and price issues. Each and every one of those will cause some debate looser to become offended and bellyache to the moderators.
Moderators take action based on complaints. Ya know the sqeaky wheel gets the grease?
So what is the right answer? All or nothing, well neither of those. How about we ask the moderators to simply remove posts containing personal attacks and blatant advertising and be moderate in their moderation.
25th December 06, 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Captain
I doubt it was removed because of the original topic... but rather the heated historical debate that broke out between Nanook and Watersheal (I think that's who it was)... Every once in a while some one had decided to take a potshot and it really wasn't going any where...
I hope my discussion was not the cause. I don't think either of us were "heated". There were a few hecklers in the pews but they were (from my perspective as subject) dainty and dull. It was a discussion which, at its core, was if, from the birds eye of contemporary Glasgow youth, the kilt can be casual (in contrast to more conscious dress)--- as she felt was advocated by some Americans. A historical perspective to the kilt and highland garb, especially in its development as a symbol of Scottish tradition and ceremony is, in this context, not extraneous. It was in the "General Kilt Talk" area.
Its, of course, not "my house" and I'm new here and am not related to any of the locals so I might be riding the wrong horse...
25th December 06, 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Nanook
There were a few hecklers in the pews but they were (from my perspective as subject) dainty and dull.
It was comments of EXACTLY this type that caused the other thread to be removed. You have become a shining example of the "hecklers in the pews". Be very aware that if this is indicative of your future conduct, your time here is growing very short.
Part of a forum's purpose is to provide a place for people to speak about their differing viewpoints. When it falls into irreparable argument or when someone starts taking potshots from the blind of a keyboard, then the purpose has been perverted into something else. And that something else is not acceptable.
Tom, there are no Scots moderators on this forum. If you visit the Portal Page and read the Welcome message, you'll see the following -
You do not have to be Scottish to post here or to wear a kilt. The name of this forum was chosen a while ago for different purposes and yet this website has evolved into what it is today. Please do not let the name deter you from posting.
We do recognize the international nature this forum has adopted as time has progressed, but the forum initially derived its name from a catchy turn of words, even though it was a USA-based site. We are always keeping our eyes out for members that we feel would make good moderators, so we're certainly not ruling out having moderators from other nations in the future.
25th December 06, 02:22 PM
My mother is pure Choctaw-Chickawsan-Cherokee, My Fathers ancestors came over in the 1600's from Scotland. His Mother was sencond or third generation Irish. What does that make me? An AMERICAN! And Proud of it! However, I have come to believe that this website was for those that liked kilts and Celtica, and wanted to share their experiences with others. Dirkskene had been raving about this site for months, and I can see why. I have truely enjoyed reading the post and honestly feel that I have learned so much. If I have any question on anything to do with kilts, or Scottish dress, customs, food, etc... all I have to do is ask. I know that someone out there knows the answer. Personally, I would like to take a moment and tell the Moderators thet I feel that you do a tremendously good job! KUDOS! This is a magnificent site, and I heartily thank Dirkskene, for introducing me to it. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
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