Just an eye note
Well Lads and Lasses I am scheduled for a corneal transplant on Tuesday morning at 6:00 am. As you may or may not remember I've been strruggling with problems in my only sighted eye for sometime now and things have finally come to this. After all the tests and examinations I have been diagnosed with a congenital condition that affects my cornea.
I won't bore you with all the details but my choices have been made quite plain do the transplant or lose my sight. Mom had German Measles (Rubella) when she was carrying me and it cost me my left eye and gave me a heart problem too (this has since been largely dealt with) now it seems also that there was a silent one lurking in the wings.But I look at the Transplant as a good thing because it means among many things I will get to continue to enjoy my friends at XMarks!
My Dr. tells me that my sight will be much worse than the 20/200 it presently is for a few weeks after the procedure with complete healing in 10 to 12 months. With that in mind I wanted the "Rabble" know that I did na run off as I don't know when my sight will allow me to read let alone post again. Be assured this will be the first place I hit when I am able.
I covet your prayers for me and my dear wife as we experiance this milestone in our life.
Slainte' Mhath!
P.S. The new avatar is the Clergy Ancient Tartan soon to worn by yours truly in a kilt.
May all your blessings be the ones you want and your friends many and true.