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Arlen Hand knit kilt hose... What... 12th March 07, 01:36 PM
McClef That would be extremely good... 12th March 07, 01:53 PM
Arlen *Smiles* That's good. She... 12th March 07, 01:57 PM
Freelander Sporrano For a pair of Handknitted... 12th March 07, 01:55 PM
Arlen Thanks. I'll let her know.... 12th March 07, 01:59 PM
O\'Neille I'd like to see an example of... 12th March 07, 02:00 PM
Arlen What she did with these, as... 12th March 07, 02:07 PM
Freelander Sporrano Look here at these prices... 12th March 07, 02:00 PM
Arlen *Grins* That's part of why... 12th March 07, 02:11 PM
Big Mikey I think $35 -$40 dollars for... 12th March 07, 02:00 PM
Arlen That's great, thank you.... 12th March 07, 02:08 PM
Nick the DSM $1!!!!!:lol: ...maybe 30... 19th September 08, 01:12 PM
thistlelass [QUOTE=Nick the DSM;600841]... 19th September 08, 02:10 PM
jordanjm I would come up with a... 12th March 07, 02:36 PM
Arlen Thanks. That seems like one... 12th March 07, 04:20 PM
PiobBear I've paid $100 for a custom... 12th March 07, 02:37 PM
M. A. C. Newsome I hate to be evil's advocate... 12th March 07, 03:05 PM
Arlen M. A. C. Newsome, feel free.... 12th March 07, 04:30 PM
Arlen Thanks. Do you mind if I... 12th March 07, 04:22 PM
Dreadbelly I make less than a dollar an... 12th March 07, 04:24 PM
affabletoaster I realise I'm very late with... 16th September 08, 08:40 PM
Arlen She tends to use worsted... 17th September 08, 12:54 PM
thistlelass As a knitter of kilt hose, I... 17th September 08, 03:21 PM
Carolina Kiltman Well said. I also want to... 17th September 08, 06:36 PM
affabletoaster I'm very glad that she... 18th September 08, 08:22 PM
csbdr I have to ask, since this... 19th September 08, 12:10 PM
Arlen She did indeed get it off the... 23rd September 08, 09:01 AM
Phil Good luck with the knitted... 23rd September 08, 11:42 AM
thistlelass I went to have a look, but... 23rd September 08, 04:21 PM
McMurdo As this thread is back I'll... 23rd September 08, 04:40 PM
calanacrafts Can I ask what you would... 3rd January 09, 02:45 AM
Arlen It just depends on the yearn... 3rd January 09, 11:14 PM
vmac3205 I get to trade a pair of... 3rd January 09, 08:16 AM
Kilted Carver Judging by the pics, and... 3rd January 09, 09:08 PM
piperdbh I'm wondering what size yarn... 3rd January 09, 09:50 PM
  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th March 07
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    Hand knit kilt hose... What would you pay?

    Just trying to get some ideas from you lot if you don't mind.

    My fiance is an avid knitter. She's made me a few pairs of nice kilt hose in the past, both argyl and cable, and has recently started knitting to order.
    (She done this nice cable hat, mittens/gloves and scarf set for a friend.)

    Now, she does a lot of really nice knitting and wants to start doing kilt hose and Arran sweaters to order both online and for her local Scottish store in Boise.
    We're both wondering, what would be a reasonable price?

    She's thinking of charging about $10 an hour, which for average size feet and regular, nice kilt hose would be about $35-40.
    She also wants to do custom stuff. Argyl, cable, intartia (Sp?) and the like.

    So I'm wondering, what would most of you think was a reasonable price both for standard hand knit kilt hose and for custom hose?

    Thanks for helping out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That would be extremely good value when you look at how much hand knitted hose costs on commercial websites.
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by McClef View Post
    That would be extremely good value when you look at how much hand knitted hose costs on commercial websites.
    That's good. She really doesn't want to charge a lot because part of why she's doing it is to make it more acessable. So more people can have quality goods.

  4. #4
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    For a pair of Handknitted Hose That is far too cheap IMHO
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
    My Photo Gallery Flickr

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano View Post
    For a pair of Handknitted Hose That is far too cheap IMHO
    Thanks. I'll let her know.
    Mainly she wants to make quality stuff affordable to more people, but perhaps she can do some sort of tiered pricing for the really high quality stuff.

  6. #6
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    I'd like to see an example of the hose themselves and know what yarns they are knitted from. The cost of materials could add considerably to that figure. I do like the color of that set you show there. I would like to have a pair of hose knit in that color. O'Neille

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Neille View Post
    I'd like to see an example of the hose themselves and know what yarns they are knitted from. The cost of materials could add considerably to that figure. I do like the color of that set you show there. I would like to have a pair of hose knit in that color. O'Neille
    What she did with these, as with most things, was direct the person to a yarn site, tell them to pick a yarn they liked and buy as much as they'd need and have it shipped to her. (For that set it was 6 balls of cashmere/merino at like $6 a ball as the scarf was 6 feet long)
    Then she just tries to charge reasonably for her time.

    She really just likes to knit and isn't too terribly concerned with huge profits.
    I'm getting a lot of good info here, so maybe she'll charge more.

  8. #8
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    Look here at these prices
    Quality costs money in most cases
    Handknitted Tartan hose can run at around 300 quid
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
    My Photo Gallery Flickr

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano View Post
    Look here at these prices
    Quality costs money in most cases
    Handknitted Tartan hose can run at around 300 quid
    *Grins* That's part of why she wants to to it.
    She usually uses really good yarns and I can attest to the quality of the hose she makes.
    She really justs wants to be able to offer good quality stuff that more people can afford. (Mostly because she knows what a hard time I have getting hose to fit my feet at reasonable prices.)

    For her absolute highest quality, fanciest, custom kilt hose the most she'd charge would be $100 and the cost of the yarn.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I think $35 -$40 dollars for standard is very good. Maybe $60-$70 for custom?
    Gentleman of Substance

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