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  1. #1
    Martin S

    Is this how you feel?

    I run a Scottish dancing club, and the men all come in kilts.
    Yesterday, an Englishman, a regular member, arrived in trousers!

    I asked why. He said, dead serious, that since his wife was unwell and stayed at home, he could not face wearing his kilt unaccompanied.

    I offered to hold his hand next time, but he did not seem to think that would do ( ;-)

    Is this the way you Xmarkers feel about kilt-wearing?
    Do you have to be accompanied to appear in public? (by a female to prove you are not gay? is that it?)

    If the fellow in question had a long walk through poorly lit streets, I might have felt a little more sympathy, but he comes by car, door to door!!!

    A short while ago, another fellow drove some 150 kms to join in our dancing. It was still wintry, but he wore shorts for the journey and changed on arrival, and before departure to return home. The usual excuse for this is they don't want to spoil their kilts, but I really think it is the fear of having to stop on route and being seen kilted.

    Martin (not fearless, by any means, just thick-skinned)

  2. #2
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    if ya wear a kilt e'ery day like ai dae...

    ya get used tae wearin' it alain...

    nay problem...

    ai gae e'ery where in ma kilt...

  3. #3
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    Pardon my pointing this out, but have you considered you may be missing the mark entirely?

    Did you bother to ask the gentleman if there was some special, sentimental value in only wearing his kilt in his wife's company? Perhaps his kilt was a special gift from his wife? Perhaps his wife asked him not to wear it? Or did you just assume he was afraid to wear it without his wife being present?

    Sorry, but some of you really leave me wondering about the level tolerance you demonstrate. I see so many of you crying out for wives, co-workers, employers and the man in the street to be tolerant of your desire to kilts. Only to then turn around and demonstrate a total lack of reciprocity, when it comes to another individual's wishes.

    I have to chuckle at times to see how a man wants to wear a kilt as a statement of non-conformity, yet that same man will turn around and belittle another man for wearing his kilt differently.

    Maybe it's not about individuality after all...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1 View Post
    Pardon my pointing this out, but have you considered you may be missing the mark entirely?

    Did you bother to ask the gentleman if there was some special, sentimental value in only wearing his kilt in his wife's company? Perhaps his kilt was a special gift from his wife? Perhaps his wife asked him not to wear it? Or did you just assume he was afraid to wear it without his wife being present?

    Sorry, but some of you really leave me wondering about the level tolerance you demonstrate. I see so many of you crying out for wives, co-workers, employers and the man in the street to be tolerant of your desire to kilts. Only to then turn around and demonstrate a total lack of reciprocity, when it comes to another individual's wishes.

    I have to chuckle at times to see how a man wants to wear a kilt as a statement of non-conformity, yet that same man will turn around and belittle another man for wearing his kilt differently.

    Maybe it's not about individuality after all...
    This attack was unprovoked and unfair. Martin asked the man why he didn't wear the kilt and he got an answer.

    Your response presupposes that Martin had bad intent when there is no evidence of that. You should apologize.

    I expect I'll get a demerit for criticizing the moderator, but I call 'em as I see 'em.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

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    I can see the man's response I know many people who feel that it is all part of who they are as a couple.

    Now I personally feel (also being a single guy when I got Kilted) that I wear the Kilt for myself.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    This attack was unprovoked and unfair.
    Attack? You're joking, right?

    Martin asked the man why he didn't wear the kilt and he got an answer.
    However it it doesn't necessarily seem to me that the answer he received was adequate, otherwise why ask raise the point here? (And please note that I said it doesn't seem that way TO ME, which will should indicate to you that I am speaking about my own observations and opinions. I am allowed to do that, right?)

    Your response presupposes that Martin had bad intent when there is no evidence of that. You should apologize.
    Read my response again -

    Sorry, but some of you really leave me wondering about the level tolerance you demonstrate. I see so many of you crying out for wives, co-workers, employers and the man in the street to be tolerant of your desire to kilts. Only to then turn around and demonstrate a total lack of reciprocity, when it comes to another individual's wishes.

    I have to chuckle at times to see how a man wants to wear a kilt as a statement of non-conformity, yet that same man will turn around and belittle another man for wearing his kilt differently.

    Maybe it's not about individuality after all...
    So tell me, Bob, where do you see me singling out anyone, Martin in particular?

    I expect I'll get a demerit for criticizing the moderator...
    And that was me, thinking you were just being humorous today. Can I get you another cup of coffee, BTW?

    ...but I call 'em as I see 'em.
    Be careful doing that, as you're liable to have someone call you out for making attacks that are unprovoked and unfair.

    Try to have a nice afternoon.

  7. #7
    Martin S
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    This attack was unprovoked and unfair. Martin asked the man why he didn't wear the kilt and he got an answer.

    Your response presupposes that Martin had bad intent when there is no evidence of that. You should apologize.
    No need for apologies.
    I realized from the very first reply that my message was not as clear as it should have been (for people that read too fast).

    As Bob guessed, I am on good bantering terms with the gentleman in question; he did not take my question badly, so why should anyone else?

    His arrival sans kilt, and his answer, were support for my feeling that a lot of us need a lot of encouragement and moral support to appear in public.

    I surmised a reason; sorry if that upset some people.

    Martin, who will try to be clearer in future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin S View Post
    No need for apologies.....
    ....Martin, who will try to be clearer in future.
    Howdy Martin S; I wouldn't be too concerned with being more clear in what you post. We kilters are becoming more steeped in our comforts and from time to time one may lean a little toward proselytizing. I don't want to get overly conscious of what I opine. Rather, I'll think through my idea then post it. Sure, I could likely become less clear in what I want understood by the readers. However, I want to avoid second guessing myself and obscuring my true intented voice by pussyfooting around my subject.
    That fella whom elect to not go kilted at the evening dance class was doing exactly as he willed. Good for him. Freedom. Freedom in choice.
    Thanks for the excellent meaty thread!

    ah ten HUT

    KILT.... ON
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

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    I do not feel that way at all, and while I do not wear the kilt everyday

    (there are times when a pair of jeans is required, riding a motorcycle, moving etc.)

    I am up to solid 5 or 6 days a week, my ex did not share my feelings about wearing a kilt, therefore the only time we were out together while I was kilted was at my brother's wedding.

    We all have our reasons for going kilted or not, we as a community should respect the choices of others to dress as they like with no explanation needed or asked, because when you look at it is that not what we want from the public at large for ourselves?

  10. #10
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    I wear my kilt with pride, wife or no wife!
    [B]Paul Murray[/B]
    Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL

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