11th April 07, 09:46 AM
First Haggis
I bought a can of haggis a while ago having never eaten it before. I had hoped a couple of the guys might come over for a haggis and scotch dinner, but I never really got around to ever planning the evening.
Anyway, I decided I'd try it today, as part of a brunch type meal. Being a sausage fan I thought I'd make a couple of haggis patties, and fry them up. This didn't work too well, as the patties fell apart and ended up being fried up in a fashion that resembles hash.
After the haggis was good and fried up, and I'd mustered the courage, I plated the haggis with a couple of scrambled eggs. The result; not bad. The haggis had quite a mild flavor, and I think it would have been better with something other than eggs. Next time I think I'll add a generous quantity of black pepper, as I think it would have tatsed better that way.
Haggis hasn't jumped to the top of my favorite foods list, but I know know it's something I can stomach. I may even consider mixing it with a little rice, and using it as a stuffing in a bird someday. I think it's flavor might lend it's self to that quite well.
Either way, I'll be cooking it at my annual hunting camp this year. If those Pa boys can get me to eat scrapple for breakfast, I can get them to eat haggis.
11th April 07, 09:49 AM
what kind of haggis did you have?
scrapple isn't THAT bad!
11th April 07, 09:51 AM
If you like sausage, you'll love boudin blanc, Cajun white sausage, which is very similar to Haggis -- just substitute the oatmeal for rice.
I have always wanted to try scrapple; I suppose I need to make friends with some of the Amish around here!
11th April 07, 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by flairball
Either way, I'll be cooking it at my annual hunting camp this year. If those Pa boys can get me to eat scrapple for breakfast, I can get them to eat haggis.
All haggis is, is scrapple made with lamb instead of pork.
11th April 07, 09:52 AM
I don't have the courage to try haggis. It took me three years to try bologna and hot dogs. I still get queezy about regular breakfast sausage. I couldn't imagine myself eating souse! I just don't know if I can do haggis.
11th April 07, 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Dirka Skene
I don't have the courage to try haggis. It took me three years to try bologna and hot dogs. I still get queezy about regular breakfast sausage. I couldn't imagine myself eating souse! I just don't know if I can do haggis.
Just simply fly to Scotland and have breakfast at Ferintosh. The Laird and Lady serve a fine haggis.
Ferret ad astra virtus
11th April 07, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dirka Skene
I don't have the courage to try haggis. It took me three years to try bologna and hot dogs. I still get queezy about regular breakfast sausage. I couldn't imagine myself eating souse! I just don't know if I can do haggis.
Oh come now. You really need to try souse and haggis as they are rarely fine eating. The folks I've gotten to like those tried them as I was reheating leftovers for lunch and they thought it smelled good. I never told them what it was till after they had tried it. Go ahead, give it a try.
11th April 07, 10:00 AM
11th April 07, 10:25 AM
If I had the money I would fly to Scotland, but I still don't think I can eat the haggis.
11th April 07, 11:21 AM
How does one go about getting a real (i.e. not canned) haggis in my parts? They're rather difficult to track down.
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