21st June 07, 03:44 PM
Pipe CD Suggestions
I was recently on a business trip with a couple of other folks, and as we were discussing various topics at dinner (I was kilted), the ever-popular "do you play the pipes?" was asked by one of the guys.
His follow-on statement was "I really like pipe music -- can you recommend some good CDs?"
Since my knowledge of pipers and bands is rather limited, I thought I'd turn this over to the knowledgeable krew here. If you were going to recommend the cream of the crop, which would you recommend -- say top three CDs? As far as I know, this can be either solo pipers, or bands.
Thanks for the help!!
21st June 07, 04:29 PM
Hi Mkmound.
One of the best piping CD's I've heard is by Gordon Duncan, who happened to be a next door neighbour of mine for some years when living in Pitlochry Scotland. The title of the CD is "Just for Seamus" (named for his son). Gordon played many times in the USA & Canada on various trips with different bands and was a member of the "Vale of Atholl Pipe Band". Sadly Gordon took his own life a couple of years ago, but his stirring music lives on after him and will undoubtably see my boots off.
21st June 07, 04:30 PM
If you want excellent piping combined with other folk music, I would suggest The Tannahill Weavers. Any of their CDs would be excellent, but Capernaum and Leaving St. Kilda are probably my favorites. The "Good Drying Set" on Leaving St. Kilda is some of the best piping anywhere, hands down.
The Weavers are what got me started in piping; I hope someday to sound as good as some of their pipers.
"MacDonald the piper stood up in the pulpit,
He made the pipes skirl out the music divine."
21st June 07, 05:57 PM
Iron Pipes
D. Gregor MacGregor III
Wright of Way Productions
110 E. Lincoln St.
Negaunee, MI 49866
An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
(When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)
Kiltio Ergo Sum.
I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef
21st June 07, 06:48 PM
I second Gordon Duncan for solo piping. For pipe bands, SFU (Simon Fraser University) has a number of good CD's. They are one of the top three or so bands in the world.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
28th June 07, 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Macman
I second Gordon Duncan for solo piping. For pipe bands, SFU (Simon Fraser University) has a number of good CD's. They are one of the top three or so bands in the world.
I just saw these guys live last Saturday. Their on Home Ground 1 and 2 are incredible discs.
Check here http://www.sfupipeband.com/
28th June 07, 09:09 AM
28th June 07, 09:10 AM
I like both hearing and playing the pipes. Here are a few of my favorite pipers as well. All good stuff. Enjoy lads!
Gordon Duncan
Fred Morrison
Martyn Bennett
Rory Campbell
Dr. Angus Macdonald
Barnaby Brown
Hamish Moore
28th June 07, 09:25 AM
Gordon Duncan :just for Seamus, Thunderstruck, Circular Breath
Victoria Police pipe band
28th June 07, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the additional suggestions! Any others are also welcome.
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