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  1. #1
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    Talking Christmas - MD/VA/PA/WA

    I know it is early but I was interested in starting a dialog about a Christmas Kilt Night. I know that there a fair number of kilties in the Washington, Northern Virginia, West Virginia panhandle, Hagerstown, Harrisburg, York and Baltimore area. Can anyone think of a place where we could have a Christmas kilt night that could pull in the largest number of kilts possible?

    Hopefully no one would have to drive over an hour. Also, what was running through my mind was a dress up evening. Where the best you have. If you have a PC with fly - fine, also if what you have is just a kilt and a knit shirt this would be fine also.

    Can anyone suggest a place or a couple of places? Would anyone want to ram rod this?

  2. #2
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    I might be up for it. not much for the fancy clothes but I could wear what i have.

    Frederick is at about the limit of what I could do and that only if planned well. Gaithersburg was about an hour from here.

  3. #3
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    What a great Idea. I'm in. Lets set a date and get it on the calendar.

  4. #4
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    I am about an hour and a half south of the DC area, but if it were in a place that wasn't too hard for an old country boy to find, I might try to make it, depending also on the actual date. WE have big family Christmas parties on Christmas eve and Christmas day.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  5. #5
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    I would suggest making it sometime in December before Christmas. Many people may be out of town visiting relatives and such close to the holiday itself. I know that I am planning to be out of town the week of Christmas through New Years Day.

    This is a great idea though. I would enjoy a dress up night as I have too few occasions to wear the formal gear.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #6
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    I'm definitely interested in this one but I don't have any suggestions for a location. I am willing to travel a bit, though. As far as formal wear, I don't even own a regular sports coat let alone a kilt jacket. A nice sweater is about as good as I can muster.

    As for a date, the only time I am unavailable is Dec 1st.
    Last edited by canawler; 9th October 07 at 08:23 AM. Reason: info to add

  7. #7
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I'm way on the left coast, so I won't be able to attend, but my wife went back a few times for her high school reunion, and they always had it at a rather large Motel. I'm not from that area, so can't help you, but I remember that a lot of the motels in that area have banquet facilities, and that way, those that wanted to stay over and not drive back could do so.

    It's a lot of work for a couple of people, and you really need advance reservations to make it work. But it can be done.

    I do that type of thing for one of the Masonic organizations that I belong to out her in the San Diego area. The hotel gives us a special rate, they then cater the party, and set up the bar, etc etc etc. But they will want some kind of room guarantee.............

    but it is do-able, just takes somebody to run with it and do the leg work.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    few times for her high school reunion, and they always had it at a rather large Motel. ... I remember that a lot of the motels in that area have banquet facilities, and that way, those that wanted to stay over and not drive back could do so.

    It's a lot of work for a couple of people, and you really need advance reservations to make it work. But it can be done.

    I do that type of thing for one of the Masonic organizations .......

    but it is do-able, just takes somebody to run with it and do the leg work.

    Good luck!
    I was not thinking something as formal as a "reunion" but depending on how many respond it could turn into that size. There is a hotel in Gaithersburg, MD, about 1.5 miles from where I work that has an Irish pub / resturant. As I was looking for sites this morning this came to mind. Easy to get to just off of US-270 one of the major highways in the area. Some what central to the overall area. Best of all. like you said, room for those that might have a few more than would be best for driving.

    I have organized these thing before and am helping with a reunion of one of the Army units I was in. This is why I hope someone volunteers to ram rod it.

  9. #9
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by cacunn View Post
    I was not thinking something as formal as a "reunion"
    I went with my wife to a couple of her reunions, and they were far from formal. They had a big room, a bar, some music, some pupu's and that's about it........... no need to be fancy!

    People will just want to mainly socialize.

  10. #10
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    Westminster has 3 motels.

    Boston Inn 410 848 9095
    Days Inn 410 857 0500
    Best Western 410 857 1900

    O'Lordon's has the largest seating area as opposed to the Royal Mile. TRM is really small and cramped. I'm not saying I wont go there, but for a large group, (10 or more), we would really have trouble sitting together. If everyone want to get together at O'ls for Christmas, I volunteer to make the reservations. Let pick a day: the 8th or the 15th.
    O'Lordons is located on Bond Street, Just off of Main street. Parking is available in the garage behind the building.

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