There is a restraurant in Keene, NH that is doing an Octoberfest celebration Celtic style. You can see their website here. The place is a blast, and is centrally located for the NH/MA/VT folks, maybe a little farther away for CT & ME. Anyway, if you notice on the left hand side, its $1 OFF DRAFT BEERS IF YOU WEAR YOUR KILT!! Needless to say, I will be going kilted. I havent quite decided on which to wear though; my US Army tartan USAKilt casual, or my Freedom Kilt. Currently, I am leaning towards my USAKilt. Anyway, it would be great to meet others there! So, if you can go, I think we should all perhaps post a pic of ourselves here, so we know who to look for ;)
Oh, and the band I will be playing in is the pipe & drums band listed there at the top