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  1. #1

    Beware the Spreadshirt

    I recently have been looking for a good shirt company that can make company logo tshirts and hoodies. I decided with www.spreadshirt.com and the user interface on the website looked nice. Easy to use and very functional. Whel I received my test order yesterday and was appalled when I opened the package. The tshirt was of nice quality but the logo they ironed on there was horrible looking. It looked like someone had printed my logo on a peice of plastic and ironed it on there. The plastic was so shiny and poorly cut that you couldnt even read the logo at all. So I preceded to write the company a letter describing how poor their product was.

    I just recieved my order which was a black tshirt with a logo on the front of the shirt. I cannot believe that you would really send out such a poor quality product. The "logo" on the shirt looks horrible, basically a peice of tape ironed on a tshirt. I cannot even wear this shirt it looks so bad, the iron-on you put on the shirt is so shiny that you cannot even read the text on the shirt. When I purchased this product, I was under the impression that you printed on the shirt not a peice of plastic then iron it on. Its hard to fathom that I spent 18 dollars on something I cant wear. The shirt would have been better if it had nothing on it at all. If I wanted something that looks like it was made by a 12year old I would have found one then paid him half what I did to you, for the same thing. I would greatly appreciate a refund.

    I was lucky that didnt order more and only lost 18 bucks. They don't offer refunds on crappy work, only mistakes(that they make). So be warned. If anyone has a good site where I can get tshirts printed let me know and thanks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sounds like what you really want is a screen printer. I am sure you can find some online, but you might have even better luck looking for a local business you can partner with to get the work done.

  3. #3
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    San Angelo, TX
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaKilts View Post
    I recently have been looking for a good shirt company that can make company logo tshirts and hoodies. I decided with www.spreadshirt.com and the user interface on the website looked nice. Easy to use and very functional. Whel I received my test order yesterday and was appalled when I opened the package. The tshirt was of nice quality but the logo they ironed on there was horrible looking. It looked like someone had printed my logo on a peice of plastic and ironed it on there. The plastic was so shiny and poorly cut that you couldnt even read the logo at all. So I preceded to write the company a letter describing how poor their product was.

    I just recieved my order which was a black tshirt with a logo on the front of the shirt. I cannot believe that you would really send out such a poor quality product. The "logo" on the shirt looks horrible, basically a peice of tape ironed on a tshirt. I cannot even wear this shirt it looks so bad, the iron-on you put on the shirt is so shiny that you cannot even read the text on the shirt. When I purchased this product, I was under the impression that you printed on the shirt not a peice of plastic then iron it on. Its hard to fathom that I spent 18 dollars on something I cant wear. The shirt would have been better if it had nothing on it at all. If I wanted something that looks like it was made by a 12year old I would have found one then paid him half what I did to you, for the same thing. I would greatly appreciate a refund.

    I was lucky that didnt order more and only lost 18 bucks. They don't offer refunds on crappy work, only mistakes(that they make). So be warned. If anyone has a good site where I can get tshirts printed let me know and thanks...
    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with this company, but I see from their "Legal Information" page that they are based out of Pennsylvania, so I would suggest a report (along with copies of your correspondance in trying to get a refund, and a photo of the poor quality of the shirt printing) to the BBB and the Secretary of State's office, yes you can complain to the state about a business as well. I would cc the owner/CEO of the business on each complaint.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I would suggest that next time you spell check your letter before sending it out. In my experience, and I have had to read resumes and was a proof reader for 13 years, when someone sends in a letter with spelling errors it gets filed under G for garbage.
    Also I am wondering what this has to do with kilt making?

  5. #5
    After a couple of emails back and forth they are going to give me a refund. They also offered to pay for the shipping back to them. The reason I posted this in the kiltmakers section was to warn other kilt makers of the poor quality.

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