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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th August 07
    Tuesday at 8 o'clock
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    An X-Kilt over spring break (aka "Project Cheapskate")

    Spring break starts at 5:00 pm tomorrow (well, technically today, but you know what I mean) and that means I have loads of time to kill. Since that won't happen again until summer (and not even then if I can help it) I need to take advantage of this opportunity. It's time for me to make a kilt.

    I had thought about doing this before, as I want more contemporary kilts (currently waiting on #1) and have a fairly tight budget. But not only was time a problem, but I also have no sewing equipment of any kind, no space for the task, and no real selection of material at any nearby stores. I didn't really see how I was going to get it done.

    But as fate would have it, my best friend just received a sewing machine from her grandma, and has no problem letting me mooch off her. The trade off is that I will have to live with the fact that my kilt was made with a hello kitty sewing machine, but I think I'll manage.

    In addition, I am spending the weekend at my brother's house, and will be able to borrow his girlfriend for some fabric shopping. If I'm lucky, he might even get dragged along and be forced to put up with the boredom and embarrassment of shopping for materials for his brother's "skirt."

    The space problem however will have to be dealt with in a fairly creative manner. I can't afford new furniture, and the floor is not even close to being an option, so I'll be channeling Macguyver tomorrow and/or Friday as I clean and get set up.

    Up to this point, the only sewing I have ever done has been for emergency medical purposes, and that was in no way professional. Since I have no intention of doing any hand sewing if I can avoid it, this will be entirely dependent upon my ability to figure out the sewing machine. I may do something with the plaid material I used as a cheap great kilt for Halloween a few years back, just to get the hang of it. Either my own comfy kilt, or maybe something for my friend as payment for the use of the machine.

    The exact material I use will probably be decided by the sales/clearance bin, but I am leaning towards polycotton because it should be easier. I am considering denim, but I am not sure how hard that is to work with or how wrinkly it gets.

    Beyond the basic kilt design, I will be adding cargo pockets, an under apron pocket, and possibly one or two other little details if I can work it all out. If I do come up with anything I will definitely post my plans before actually trying them to see what the more experienced folks have to say.

    I did study my alphakilt before returning it (which really helped me understand how some of these things should work) and I thought about trying a similar pleated under apron, but that's a lot more pleats, and I just don't have the patience for something that unnecessary which I could easily screw up anyway.

    So that's the plan. Within 10 days I should have my own X-Kilt. And then I can focus on my next project: rubber chicken underwear!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You're already on spring break? Lucky...

    good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th August 06
    Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
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    Good luck! I want to try my hand at making a kilt as well, just got a used machine I don't know how to use yet, so I'm keen to follow your progress.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Post here if you've got questions! I'm sure you're going to do just fine!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hey..If I can do it, anyone can!

    And avoid denim. Look for a cotton/poly twill weave. Shouldn't be hard to find in a solid color. Camo material would hide your not-so-straight stitch lines (you're a beginner...you're going to screw up a few times. Just face it and move on)
    Last edited by Tartan Hiker; 20th March 08 at 06:10 PM.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sounds like a grand project to me! I too just purchased some fabric for my very first X-Kilt. I am not quite sure what a sewing machine is, or how it works, but how hard can it be...?

    I had a devil of a time finding cotton/poly twill as suggested. I guess it is not very popular for quilting, so it is not that easy to find (outside of China anyway)? Best of luck with your fabric hunting!
    Michael the Farlander

    Loch Sloy!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You know, for the third and fourth prototypes (one is currenlty in use by Piper George here on X-Marks) I ordered navy blue cotton/polyester twill off of ebay. It was good stuff and the price was fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Good luck with the x-kilt, and if you get stuck post your question here, and we'll walk you through it.

    Lord knows, AlanH, TartanHiker, and the others helped me out a great deal.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up Good Luck!

    I'll be finishing my first X-Kilt over the long weekend, so I'll be with you in spirit and following along on the forum.
    Most of all, have fun and don't stress out. You want to think of fun when you wear the kilt you make...not agony!
    Semper Fi!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    As a member of Clan MacCheapskate, I get some fabric at Walmart. If your local store still has a fabric department, check them out. I bought 5 yds of heavy denim for a tank attempt for $10. Hancock had it for $6.99 a yd.

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