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    Possible Enhancement?

    I was just looking through the members list section checking out some of the names and I thought of a change request that I think would be awesome and well received. I didn't know who to contact for sure so I PM'd Jaime and he let me know to post the idea here.

    If there was a field in the user profile that had a dropdown for each state in the USA, plus a dropdown for Country for those that don't live in the USA you should be able to create a filter to allow users to only look at members that live in their state if they wish to do so. You could also create an "Other" for those that don't wish to divulge where they live.

    this would help especially with new members that want to get in contact with kilt members in their area, and be able to more accurately map out the demographics of where we are all centralized.

    It's just a suggestion, and I understand if it would be too difficult to code that into the pages, or if you don't favor the idea period. I just thought I'd send you my suggestion, incase you liked it.


  2. #2
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    In the mean time check out the XMTS map.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    In the mean time check out the XMTS map.
    Definitely! The XMTS map is awesome. I haven't looked at it recently, but the last time I did it only included those who visited it, and added their information.

    Everyone has to create a profile, and this hardcoded profile information regarding State and Country could be loaded directly onto the map as well.

    I definitely encourage everyone visiting the XMTS map and added their info to it.

  4. #4
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    I think I came across the XMTS map once in someone's signature, but I didn't add myself (I was probably in a hurry and didn't see how to do it before I had to get back to non-computer stuff). Every time I remember the map, I can't remember where it's at.

    Does someone have the link handy?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynthia View Post
    I think I came across the XMTS map once in someone's signature, but I didn't add myself (I was probably in a hurry and didn't see how to do it before I had to get back to non-computer stuff). Every time I remember the map, I can't remember where it's at.

    Does someone have the link handy?
    If you click on "PORTAL" on the task bar at the top. It'll take you to the home page. On the left you'll see the link for Kilt Map. I can't actually access the link from work. The IT department classifies it as a "Social Networking" site, and has it blocked.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayin McFye View Post
    If you click on "PORTAL" on the task bar at the top. It'll take you to the home page. On the left you'll see the link for Kilt Map. I can't actually access the link from work. The IT department classifies it as a "Social Networking" site, and has it blocked.
    Good thing they don't know about this place!
    It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!!
    'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist

  7. #7
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    I quite like the idea and am in favor of it, provided it can be done.

  8. #8
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    I like the XMTS map, but am unable to add myself - have tried a few times. The problem is that map is geared towards a specific web browser and I don't use the operating system in which that browser works.

    I feel adding a way of filtering members by state would be a very nice addition.

  9. #9
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    It was a little weird trying to add myself to the map as well. It shows up on my profile over there that I'm on the map, but I don't see myself yet. I also hope I didn't accidentally delete the photo that is supposed to show up with my information on the map.

    I'm cool with any features here to help locate members by state.

  10. #10
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    JelSoft is about to release (as in just about any minute) a new version of the vBulletin forum software. I've been running a Beta version of it on my sites for a few weeks, actually and it is quite stable. This new version focuses heavily on the social networking aspects of the user profile pages. It's all rather lame, in my not-so-humble opinion, but some of you may find some benefit in the new features.

    Once this official release takes place, there will be a flurry of new add-ons and hacks made available to take advantage of these new features. We'll see what shakes out and if something comes along that will not add a lot of database queries, we'll consider it for the future.

    And for those that are reading between the lines, yes, we'll be upgrading the forum at some point in the next few days. It's going to be a pretty major undertaking with all the template edits we have in place, so things are going to look a bit strange immediately following the upgrade procedure. But we'll be thrashing in the back room, getting everything back in working order as quickly as possible.

    Riverkilt, if you are reading this, remember to take slow, deep breaths.

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