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  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd October 07
    Denver, Colorado- a mile high, baby!
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    I got me a chanter!

    This is actually my second chanter. I broke my first one 10 years ago, and never replaced it until this weekend. I've been wanting to learn to play the pipes for years, and have started up again. So- aside from hiring a private tutor, do the pipers on this board have any advice? (Just so you all, I am a long time bass player, so I'm not starting from square one.)

    One specific question I have is on the less expensive practice pipes, like the ones you can get on eBay and Frugal Corner. Are they worth getting until I can save the money to get a good set?

    Thanks in advance!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Gold Bar, Wa.
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    Quote Originally Posted by nighthawk
    One specific question I have is on the less expensive practice pipes, like the ones you can get on eBay and Frugal Corner. Are they worth getting until I can save the money to get a good set?
    Are they worth it? In my opinion.....no.

    Keep practicing the PC until that time comes you're ready for the pipes. Then...if so desired, you can take the drones off and plug the stocks and there you have a practice goose. Then, install the drones one-by-one, or however you feel is necessary. I didn't use a goose or practice pipes (a.k.a. Kitchen pipes/parlor pipes), but I did start at one drone at a time back when I started many years ago. If you get an instructor (which is highly advisible), then follow his instruction as you go. I feel that small practice pipes are not necessary for beginning GHB'ers. Not when the GHB itself can be used as "practice pipes" with the drones removed and stocks plugged. This way you'll get the "feel" alot sooner. Good Luck and have fun!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    One specific question I have is on the less expensive practice pipes, like the ones you can get on eBay and Frugal Corner. Are they worth getting until I can save the money to get a good set?
    I would save the money and wait until you can get a good set. You're going to be on the practice chanter exclusively for quite a while anyway (it was a year for me), so any money spent on "less expensive" pipes is money that could have gone to a good set.

    Congratulations on getting the new PC, Nighthawk!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  4. #4
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    I have to say no the cheap chanters really I bought a Dunbar long chanter and it was the best investment for me the only advice I can give it practice ,practice, and whenyour done that practice again.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacHummel View Post
    I have to say no the cheap chanters really I bought a Dunbar long chanter and it was the best investment for me the only advice I can give it practice ,practice, and whenyour done that practice again.
    Being a bass player, I have given those three pieces of advice on many occasions, myself. Practice, practice, and (when your fingers stop bleeding!) practice some more!

    Thanks for the advice, gents!

    As to the Dunbar wood chanters... I bought a plastic one specificly because of my experience with my last one. It's not that a nice wood chanter is a bad investment for me- it's that I'm clumsy and will break a second one! My last one was $75, and I got two lessons out of it. That's wasn't a good investment... I simply would have to run over this thing with my car to break it! So don't make fun of my indestructible chanter. I also have plastic and cast iron kitchen wear for the exact same reason!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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