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  1. #1
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    some practice video

    I hesitated to even post this. My brother got his camera out and filmed a bunch of our throwing from last saturday I wished I had done more of this sooner because I clearly see lots of things I'm doing wrong here. The video is actually embarassing to me. But hopefully I can fix everything asap. Need better more accurate footwork on WFD, hammer is still too stiff. All of these a bit below my prs. Video has some sheaf with 16lb bag, 56 WFH, WFD light and 56 heavy and heavy hammer. Feel free to post any suggestions.


  2. #2
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    Head up on the WFD!.. You're looking at the ground! ....and keep the arm that holds the weight as straight as possible.

    Actually, I think your hammer looks pretty good, jut go for more extension, all the way around, and lay back as much as you can. Throw HIGH!!!

    NO comments on the WOB, as I still can't figure it out, myself.

  3. #3
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    WOB is my best event I have thrown 12 feet with the 56lb. one and 15 ft with the lighter one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Head up on the WFD!.. You're looking at the ground! ....and keep the arm that holds the weight as straight as possible.

    Actually, I think your hammer looks pretty good, jut go for more extension, all the way around, and lay back as much as you can. Throw HIGH!!!

    NO comments on the WOB, as I still can't figure it out, myself.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Nielson View Post
    WOB is my best event I have thrown 12 feet with the 56lb. one and 15 ft with the lighter one.
    12 feet with the 56 pounder is pretty darned good. I think I cleared 10, the only time I've thrown the 56 in competition!. I'm hoping to clear 14 feet **fingers crossed and back to the weight room*** with the Masters weight at Seaside. I *just* got it over 13 feet at Livermore, and a quick practice toss at Pleasanton cleared 12 with lots of room to spare so there's a 13 in me again next time I have the chance.

    but I want fourteen! Then I suppose I'll have to learn how to spin...*sigh*

  5. #5
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    Trust me, you won't need to spin for 14 on the 42# WFH. Let gravity help accelerate the weight. After your set up swing reach as far back on the back swing, when the weight hits the low point explode up with the hips. Keep your arm dead and straight, it is only to act with the shoulder as a pivot point. It is much like a dead lift then watch the weight clear over the bar. You will end up on the tips of your toes with your hand stretched as far up to the bar as you can. Also try not to move your feet until the weight clears the bar. If your feet move you lose the upward thrust and the energy pulls away from the bar instead of over it.

    Good luck!

    I hit 14' in my 1st novice game earlier this year, now I clear 12' with the 56# winning B level events.

    James Gorley
    Highland Thrower

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgorley View Post
    Trust me, you won't need to spin for 14 on the 42# WFH. Let gravity help accelerate the weight. After your set up swing reach as far back on the back swing, when the weight hits the low point explode up with the hips. Keep your arm dead and straight, it is only to act with the shoulder as a pivot point. It is much like a dead lift then watch the weight clear over the bar. You will end up on the tips of your toes with your hand stretched as far up to the bar as you can. Also try not to move your feet until the weight clears the bar. If your feet move you lose the upward thrust and the energy pulls away from the bar instead of over it.

    Good luck!

    I hit 14' in my 1st novice game earlier this year, now I clear 12' with the 56# winning B level events.

    Well, I've got a month of workouts and weight room doing belt squats to help with this! My two Masters training partners throw 15's in the WOB, if I can get up to 14 I'll scare 'em a little bit!

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