13th October 08, 05:00 AM
Richmond Highland Games and Celtic Festival
So, the RHCF is in 12 days. It's a two day affair, Oct 25 and 26. How many of the Virginia rabble will be there, and are we going to have a meet up either, or both days? I am also up for a kilt night, if we can get enough of the rabble together to go somewhere. Either Friday night, or Saturday night would be fine with me, because I'm close enough that I can drive home afterwards. Here is the likn for the festival, advance tickets are now on sale.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
13th October 08, 05:54 AM
I will be attending Saturday but have to return home in the afternoon as I'm leaving for the Mid-East on Sunday.
13th October 08, 07:47 PM
I'll be there!
My plans are to be there all day Saturday. Sunday, I am returning to hear our own ThatCelticband with his mates, the Hooligans. When I am not at the Pub tent listening to the bands, I'll be a the Donnachaidh Clan tent. I would suggest that meetups at the Guinness Irish Pub & Music Pavilionon both days might be in order.
16th October 08, 06:25 AM
Only Three of US?
Only three of the VA Ramble planning to be the Richmond Games?!? There is life beyond kilt wearing and attending Scottish festivals? Life happens, I guess.
Okay for a meet up, I'll buy you beer (or other beverage) at the Pub Tent on SA 10/25 @ 1:30 for the 7N conceert and the same on SU 10/26 @ 3:00 for the Hooligans. Stick around after the Hooligans play to talk with them and our own ThatCelticBand. Plan to purchase a CD copy of their performance for us.
16th October 08, 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mael Coluim
Okay for a meet up, ...at the Pub Tent on SA 10/25 @ 1:30 for the 7N concert .....
Looking forward to it.
16th October 08, 01:06 PM
I'll be hanging out around the Pub tent most of the time, so I'll see you there.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
16th October 08, 04:43 PM
Come by and see me too on Sunday. Uncle Hamish and the Hooligans play 3ish.
16th October 08, 06:08 PM
I will try to be there with the kids again this year. I'm still trying to convince Household 6 to let me go to another games this year (this will make number six). It all depends on the finances. Hope to see you there.
17th October 08, 02:34 PM
I plan on coming around on the 25th. Will be looking out for other XMARKER's
HERMAN, Adventurer, BBQ guru, student of history
21st October 08, 04:33 PM
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