1. More aesthetically pleasing than trousers
2. A single pocket in front is more convenient than two on the side
3. It supports local and cottage artists and craftspeople
4. Instant friendship when two kilties meet
5. Free heating/AC
6. Easy access
7. When I get a hip or knee injury, they're easier to put on than trousers
8a. Heritage statement
8b. Different tartans can mean anything the designer wants them to
9. Usually leads to free drinks when I go out
10.Female attention
11.Excellent ice breaker
12.Can be worn as casually or as formally as I want
13.They're controversial
14.International fraternity :blimp:
15.It's fun to play "spot the kilt" in the media
17.Kilt hose are great even without the kilt
18.Naturally rain and wind resistant
19.Keeps me modest
20.I get to use snappy/witty comebacks when people ask dumb questions/THE question
All those are, of course, excellent reasons, with emphasis on davedove's point, too.
An added one is, when piping and wearing you don't get the question, "Hey, where's your kilt?!" When I piped at the Sam Houston Folk Festival, I wore fall-front trousers instead of a kilt. It was the single-most question I received besides, "Will you play Amazing Grace?"
Last edited by Jack Daw; 28th January 09 at 06:21 PM.
Yeah, I haven't seen this angle spoken about much here, but I've noticed that when days are chilly, I'm inclined to wear kilt hose under whatever trousers I might be wearing - suit or jeans - and in the summers, if I choose shorts, they look great with boots and kilt hose.
To your list I would add: they are comfortable and enable greater unencumbered range of movement.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
Yeah, I haven't seen this angle spoken about much here, but I've noticed that when days are chilly, I'm inclined to wear kilt hose under whatever trousers I might be wearing - suit or jeans - and in the summers, if I choose shorts, they look great with boots and kilt hose. .
Yeah, I loved mine for when I had to dig my car out last week or so ago.