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Aldisimo New? kilt seller on eBay:... 20th February 09, 04:12 PM
xena Hmmm... Interesting that they... 20th February 09, 06:51 PM
Nighthawk :shock: $200 for a Saltire... 20th February 09, 08:21 PM
BroosterB1 I donna know where they be... 20th February 09, 11:03 PM
JamieKerr I have a set of genuine... 22nd February 09, 08:08 AM
xena Well, it may be legal in the... 22nd April 09, 03:43 PM
The Wizard of BC I'm not sure how this thread... 22nd April 09, 04:51 PM
CDNSushi Don't want to judge a book by... 21st February 09, 07:12 PM
The Barry This is interesting.. I'm... 21st February 09, 07:29 PM
smurphs1 Yes I'm New to ebay and yes... 22nd February 09, 12:16 AM
Rex_Tremende Be perturbed if you like, but... 22nd February 09, 08:13 AM
pastorsteve Excellent idea. I have... 22nd February 09, 09:15 PM
RockyR Glad to see you've joined the... 22nd February 09, 07:01 AM
smurphs1 Most of my kilts are made in... 22nd February 09, 07:36 AM
McMurdo smurphs1 Where abouts in... 22nd February 09, 07:43 AM
smurphs1 Hi, thanks for asking, ... 22nd February 09, 12:07 PM
beloitpiper Mississippe River? Near... 22nd February 09, 08:36 PM
smurphs1 Yeppers we have a river here... 22nd February 09, 09:34 PM
Canuck Look forward to seeing you at... 22nd April 09, 03:49 AM
Downix If you need help in setting... 22nd February 09, 08:02 AM
The Barry :welcome: Of course we are... 22nd February 09, 08:51 AM
CDNSushi Ooooh, but how I hate that... 22nd February 09, 10:21 AM
McMurdo Thanks for the quick answers... 22nd February 09, 12:12 PM
smurphs1 Thanks for all the feed back,... 22nd February 09, 12:17 PM
NancyMan I won an eBay auction for a... 22nd February 09, 01:33 PM
smurphs1 Thank you all again for... 22nd February 09, 04:53 PM
Aldisimo NancyMan said: I'd still... 21st April 09, 03:40 PM
raibeart_dubh I'll second that. 21st April 09, 03:57 PM
Wolfhawk Yes, please tell us the... 21st April 09, 11:12 PM
Colonel MacNeal Sean emailed the following to... 22nd April 09, 07:00 AM
wvpiper I would also like a review on... 22nd April 09, 09:04 AM
Dan R Porter Yes 22nd April 09, 12:21 PM
The Wizard of BC Please notice that this... 22nd April 09, 12:33 PM
Dan R Porter huh 22nd April 09, 02:40 PM
RockyR I also noticed that the 8... 22nd April 09, 02:57 PM
Snowbear What I have seen a lot of... 23rd April 09, 02:24 AM
Dan R Porter well 23rd April 09, 04:48 AM
CDNSushi Just to play devil's advocate... 23rd April 09, 05:49 AM
wvpiper I think the question should... 23rd April 09, 06:20 AM
Canuck Forum members as a consumer's... 23rd April 09, 07:11 AM
The Wizard of BC What Robert and I are trying... 23rd April 09, 09:10 AM
CDNSushi Not at all, Steve. Neither... 23rd April 09, 09:35 AM
RockyR Count me as '+ 1' to... 23rd April 09, 05:38 PM
tyger Thanks, and much... 30th April 09, 04:58 AM
dfmacliam The way I see it, if people I... 23rd April 09, 06:34 PM
Carolina Kiltman Early on in my life on this... 23rd April 09, 06:58 PM
Dan R Porter well 23rd April 09, 07:11 PM
Snowbear If I am going for a product... 24th April 09, 05:08 AM
lethearen That's pretty much why I... 24th April 09, 07:27 AM
MacHummel I agree with Steve, Robert,... 24th April 09, 08:02 AM
Dan R Porter well 24th April 09, 08:10 AM
JelicoCat So far the folks at SWK and... 24th April 09, 08:38 AM
smurphs1 I had to log in and say thank... 28th April 09, 07:23 PM
tulloch Just ordered 13oz black watch... 29th April 09, 02:10 PM
NorCalPiper I want to pipe in here as... 29th April 09, 03:03 PM
Dan R Porter smurphs1 29th April 09, 04:10 PM
kilty There are many talented... 29th April 09, 09:52 PM
Iain Robb That's exactly what I was... 30th April 09, 04:20 AM
tyger Ditto.:) 30th April 09, 09:13 AM
Snowbear I've been looking trough some... 1st May 09, 03:32 AM
10buckstew I sent an email to... 1st May 09, 07:39 PM
smurphs1 Dear Guy's and Girls if there... 4th May 09, 08:15 AM
Snowbear That explains a lot. People... 4th May 09, 10:35 AM
The Wizard of BC Smurfs, You certainly... 4th May 09, 10:36 AM
10buckstew Now what could be more fair... 4th May 09, 10:15 PM
10buckstew I had a reply by email from... 8th May 09, 11:40 PM
Morris at Heathfield He has a 100% positive... 9th May 09, 02:55 PM
tulloch As promised here is some... 12th May 09, 06:54 PM
Dan R Porter wow 12th May 09, 06:58 PM
CDNSushi It's good that you are... 13th May 09, 12:43 AM
Morris at Heathfield Hey, Tulloch, could you post... 13th May 09, 03:01 AM
george7 Curious... his website says... 14th May 09, 05:57 AM
CDNSushi I know. That's why I posted... 14th May 09, 06:41 AM
10buckstew Thank you Tulloch, you saved... 13th May 09, 08:35 PM
tulloch Ok Morris - here is close-up... 14th May 09, 05:53 AM
Morris at Heathfield Thanks, Tulloch. The reason I... 14th May 09, 10:19 AM
Dan R Porter yeah 14th May 09, 11:23 AM
smurphs1 Another week of coronation... 15th May 09, 05:49 AM
slohairt Hardly Coronation Street. I... 15th May 09, 07:58 AM
tulloch Well, I don't like to dis... 15th May 09, 09:09 AM
Dan R Porter hmmm 15th May 09, 09:13 AM
tulloch Describe basting stitches... 15th May 09, 09:21 AM
slohairt Tulloch, Basting stitches... 15th May 09, 11:09 AM
smurphs1 I know it is now time for you... 15th May 09, 09:21 AM
tulloch Here in Massachusetts we have... 15th May 09, 09:26 AM
xena Sounds like an honest fellow... 15th May 09, 09:28 AM
Dan R Porter well 15th May 09, 09:33 AM
The Wizard of BC Smurfs, Good on ya man for... 15th May 09, 10:48 AM
10buckstew As I said before, an honest... 15th May 09, 10:57 AM
slohairt I agree, very commendable and... 15th May 09, 11:07 AM
tulloch The kilt was stitched along... 15th May 09, 11:23 AM
slohairt That would be it, although... 15th May 09, 09:28 PM
smurphs1 I'd like to thank all those... 19th May 09, 06:49 AM
Dan R Porter Sean 19th May 09, 06:58 AM
Colonel MacNeal Smurphs1 has taken down the... 19th May 09, 07:03 AM
CDNSushi I hope Sean keeps us informed... 19th May 09, 08:53 AM
JolyStNicholas Well done Kind Sir, well done... 19th May 09, 11:23 AM
Dan R Porter Also 19th May 09, 11:39 AM
10buckstew As I've said before: humble,... 23rd May 09, 10:38 PM
Dan R Porter hmmm 28th May 09, 01:06 PM
CDNSushi Is that the buyout price or... 28th May 09, 05:13 PM
The Wizard of BC What is 100% PolyViscose?????... 28th May 09, 05:46 PM
Dan R Porter hmmm 28th May 09, 05:53 PM
tulloch That is exactly what was... 28th May 09, 06:08 PM
Dan R Porter hmmm 28th May 09, 06:15 PM
tulloch Strange - is exactly what I... 29th May 09, 01:04 PM
Morris at Heathfield Nothing strange about it.... 29th May 09, 08:17 PM
Colonel MacNeal I'm guessing his "buy it now"... 29th May 09, 07:49 AM
tulloch I think this is the last I... 1st June 09, 09:12 AM
smurphs1 Hi there Guys, Just a... 8th June 09, 09:15 AM
pastorsteve Thanks Sean. You should be... 9th June 09, 10:56 AM
Dan R Porter woah 9th June 09, 02:17 PM
Dan R Porter well 11th June 09, 01:47 PM
CDNSushi Hm. Well, you can lead a... 11th June 09, 04:04 PM
Tony Good luck Sean 8th June 09, 09:18 AM
Carolina Kiltman Sean: Been through a bout... 11th June 09, 07:24 PM
  1. #1
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    New? kilt seller on eBay: AllScottish.CA


    I don't know whether it's a new company, but since there's no feedback yet I think it's new to eBay. The 100% wool for the in-stock kilts is probably lightweight considering that the kilt costs CA$110 [about US$88], but that's OK for the south Texas heat and humidity. There's not a lot of variety either, but maybe that will come if they're successful.

    They're selling an 8-yd, all wool Saltire kilt on eBay for US$200.

    Has anyone here dealt with them?

  2. #2
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    Hmmm... Interesting that they seem to be aiming at a Canadian market, and the camouflage they use for one of their kilts is specifically a British pattern. No CADPAT (Canadian Army Disruptive PATtern) to be seen anywhere. I'm pretty sure I recognize the model from some other websites too, I just can't place which one off the top of my head.

    Admittedly, real CADPAT is illegal in civilian hands (something to do with unique IR qualities), but there are already manufacturers making legal CADPAT copies. I'd still like to see a kilt made of the knock-off material.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    $200 for a Saltire kilt?!?! Like the the Clan Cian remnant sale thread, I wish I had the money! I'll just have to continue to console myself with the knowledge that I have beautiful Albannach tartan kilt coming in the future from USAK, which is of course where all my spare cash has gone...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  4. #4
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    I donna know where they be sourcing their materials from, but the Sgian Dubhs look nice for the price. The dress Drum uniform looks really familiar, maybe a kin to Geoffry made for Scottish? If the kilts are not stitched to the completely to fell, I think we may have an answer.

  5. #5
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    Admittedly, real CADPAT is illegal in civilian hands (something to do with unique IR qualities), but there are already manufacturers making legal CADPAT copies. I'd still like to see a kilt made of the knock-off material.
    I have a set of genuine CADPAT bdu's . The real stuff isn't illegal, per say. The stuff being sold to civilians as genuine CADPAT is in fact genuine. The reason some of it is allowed to be sold to the civilian market is because of slight "imperfections" in the bolt. The imperfection simply means that the color is not up to military spec. There are no imperfections that I can see in my bdu's. This is how it was explained to me by the dealer I bought mine from. You can easily tell if the cadpat you're looking at is fake or not, assuming you've held the real stuff. The real deal is more breathable than any other tactical clothing I've worn, and the camo itself almost seems to be able to "chameleon" its base color to whatever natural color surrounds it. Awesome stuff.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamieKerr View Post
    The real stuff isn't illegal, per say.
    Well, it may be legal in the States, but I know it's not legal in Canada.
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieKerr View Post
    The stuff being sold to civilians as genuine CADPAT is in fact genuine.
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieKerr View Post
    The reason some of it is allowed to be sold to the civilian market is because of slight "imperfections" in the bolt. The imperfection simply means that the color is not up to military spec.
    There are more kinds of imperfections than colour issues.
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieKerr View Post
    There are no imperfections that I can see in my bdu's. This is how it was explained to me by the dealer I bought mine from.
    Ahh, you're getting your info from someone interested in making a sale.
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieKerr View Post
    You can easily tell if the cadpat you're looking at is fake or not, assuming you've held the real stuff. The real deal is more breathable than any other tactical clothing I've worn, and the camo itself almost seems to be able to "chameleon" its base color to whatever natural color surrounds it. Awesome stuff.
    Yup, the colour blending capability it has at a distance is startling. Marpat has roughly the same capability. But it's an IR factor that is the issue with the genuine Cadpat material. And that's why the Canadian Military Police investigate every bit of "Cadpat" that pops up on Ebay.

    And, sorry for the pedantry, but Canadian's don't wear BDU's - and never have. Also, the last time Canadian soldiers wore anything called "fatigues" was in the 1800's, and they were worn whilst working in the horse stables.

    We wear Combat Clothing, sometimes shortened to just "Combats". I know it's silly, but I offer these tidbits of info in good will, and not as a put-down. Now you'll be able to talk about your Canadian "Combats"!

    But, different groups of people have different names for all sorts of things: hose/socks, trousers/trews, watchcap/toque, hoodie/bunnyhug, vest/waistcoat, etc. Learning about other folks terminology is all good.

  7. #7
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    I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of CADPAT but as the maker of what I believe to be the only CADPAT Kilts ever made I think I should wade in on this.

    First...Buying CADPAT fabric is not Illegal. But Canada does hold the Patent and Copyright on the design and licenses who can purchase the fabric. If you have a contract to manufacture items for the Canadian Forces and wish to use CADPAT fabric you can apply for the license.

    I do know that there are real CADPAT items and some fabric that shows up on EBay on occasion. I know that there is also a mill in Tawain that is printing a knockoff that is very close.

    The imperfections in CADPAT fabric have been a problem since the beginning. The fabric I used for Kilts was from the first batch. It was printed in Canada and the dyes ran. The pixels were not clear and sharp. I bought the fabric off ebay
    The contract to print the fabric was then let to an American branch of the Company in Texas. The fabric would be woven in Quebec, shipped to the US for printing and then back to Canada to be made up.
    Then the weaving firm changed. The company now producing CADPAT is Consoltex. http://www.consoltex.com/pages/History.aspx?lang=EN-CA They have a weaving and printing operation in Quebec but I don't believe that is where CADPAT is made.

    The current issue of CADPAT no longer has the IR fibers in it. It was found that the fabric gave the same IR signature with or without the diffusing fibers and they were discontinued.

    The current clothing in CADPAT is so prone to fading that I have seen uniforms here in Victoria that are almost white. The soldiers I know don't like it at all except when overseas because the weave is so light that you can see through it. Good in hot climates but not so good in a Canadian winter.
    There is a fabric that is currently being used by the Canadian Reserves and Cadets. This fabric is actually the MarPat pattern without the EGA imprinted on it. The fabric was woven and printed in Tawain and sold to Canada by an American jobber.

    This loose weave of the CADPAT uniform fabric is the reason I will not make any more Kilts from CADPAT. It is a terrible fabric for a Kilt. I use Milspec MarPat.

    If anyone would like side-by-side scans of the different CADPATs or of a CADPAT vs MarPat comparison I have them.
    Last edited by The Wizard of BC; 22nd April 09 at 05:12 PM.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  8. #8
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    A tardy review

    Its been, um, some time since I promised a review of the All Scottish kilt I won on eBay. So what I now report is somewhat beyond a first impression. Its a nice darn kilt. Out of the box it seemed very like a Stillwater heavyweight in many ways. Both are constructed of good quality wool of equal weight, have decent construction, nearly the same number of pleats (Alscot 24, STW 22), identical buckles (though the leather of the STW belts has a better finish), and ironically they both suffered from apron and reverse pleat curl until I applied the steam iron cure. Both have a double fringe, kilt selvedge and a 7 inch inner lining. The Alscot pleats are 2 1/4 inches deep, the STW 3 1/4 inches. To me, both the Alscot and the STW are good generic "traditional" kilts priced at a point nearly anyone can afford. The one anomaly with the Alscot was that it was labelled 32 to 34 inch waist. Being rather elfin of body, I figured I'd need to move the inner strap and left buckles an inch or so to make it fit. Imagine my surprise when I could only cinch it to the middle hole of the straps. The kilt waist actually measures 29 to 31 inches. A perfect fit for me- but only by accident. I let the vendor know that he had a great product but needed to get his sizing issues sorted out or risk a lot of dissatisfied customers. Keep in mind that I may have gotten a sample kilt and not one of the regular run that are sold on the All Scottish website- http://www.allscottish.ca/index.php Sizing aside, I give the kilt an enthusiastic thumbs up.

    These are the only pics I have:

    I've kilt for less.

  9. #9
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    Don't want to judge a book by its cover, but visiting their website, it struck me as being VERY amateurish when compared to other online retailers. It seemed like the online version of setting up a card table in a back alley versus having a regular, retail storefront business. I mean, when I clicked on one of their inner links, I was taken to a page that still had loret ipsum text with stock photos... Then, when I went to eBay, I saw that they were selling a single product. I dunno, I'm willing to give this company a shot, but so far they haven't done aanything to show me that they are even legit, let alone good.

  10. #10
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    This is interesting.. I'm going to keep my eye on this.
    The Barry

    "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
    voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)

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