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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Non-phone PDA advice

    My work and personal life has become crazy enough that both my wife and my boss have suggested I get a PDA. I was hoping someone one here could give me the opinions on what they might use. I absolutly 100% do not want a phone option and and currently leaning towards the Ipod Touch (basically and iphone without the phone) option as it seems to have all the applications I need plus a few extra perks on the side.

    I'd like it to be able to sync with Outlook email as well as gmail. Web browsing is not a necessity, but I need a pretty robust calendar and the ablility to track tasks or at least make "to-do" lists.



  2. #2
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    I'm a big Blackberry fan, which does all of what you need, but you don't want the phone option. I also own an iPod touch, and am not sure I would use it as a PDA. Though, for what you need it for, it seems like it could be an option. I carried Palms for a couple of years, and had great luck with them. My recommendation for a non-phone PDA would be a Palm T|X.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoo Bradley View Post
    I'm a big Blackberry fan, which does all of what you need, but you don't want the phone option. I also own an iPod touch, and am not sure I would use it as a PDA. Though, for what you need it for, it seems like it could be an option. I carried Palms for a couple of years, and had great luck with them. My recommendation for a non-phone PDA would be a Palm T|X.
    It syncs flawlessly with Microsoft Oulook, where-as the iPod Touch... not so much.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoo Bradley View Post
    My recommendation for a non-phone PDA would be a Palm T|X.
    Seconded here. use it for everything.

  5. #5
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    I know it's a phone, but I recently got a G1 phone from T-Mobile that runs on Google's open source software, Android. I really like it so far (and, although this is my only phone, I don't tend to spend much time on the phone). It does a seemless job of synching with G-Mail and can be made to synch with any email.
    Animo non astutia

  6. #6
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    I use my Itouch as calender, to do, contacts, everything. I use ical and Apple's other stuff on the mac, so no problem, on the PC I gave up, outlook does work, kinda and sunbird works, kinda. As I have a mac on my desk along with a PC, I have no problems doing that.

    Phonewise, I have a treo 680 that I used for everything and I still have to use it for Principalm for one more year, so it is my weekday phone. on weekends, I move my card to a slim phone. As soon as the District software moves to the itouch, I will ditch my palm, they let it go too long and it is at the very tail end of it's useful life as an operating system.
    aka Scott Hudson, Mason,Minister, Eagle Scout, Vet, Teacher, Student, Piper, and Burner
    Liberty starts with absolute rights over your own Body, Mind, Actions, and Earnings.

  7. #7
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    sorry for gmail or google cal all you have to do is me on a wireless network, there are apps for that, and I did not look recently, but I will bet there is a good app for outlook by now.

    aka Scott Hudson, Mason,Minister, Eagle Scout, Vet, Teacher, Student, Piper, and Burner
    Liberty starts with absolute rights over your own Body, Mind, Actions, and Earnings.

  8. #8
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    ...this may not be to your liking but there are several "mini type" laptops on the market today that would fit your need - email, logistics, and so forth. You don't need any contract with a phone company to use them. Dell makes one that is very small - about 9" diagonal screen and HP has a nice one too. I'm thinking of getting one for my trip over in August just to ues the Google map feature to chase around town & country and the email and AIM/camera features to keep in touch with my honey here in the Colonies.

  9. #9
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    Go with the palm. It is designed to be exactly what you ask. It made to PDA what a PDA is. I have gadgets from a palm to a sony mylo to various cell phones. For a no cell phone gadget I have never found anything that can do what a palm is designed to do.

  10. #10
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    I have a Palm Tungsten and a older Sony Clie that i will be willing to let go of. PM me if your interested

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