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    Picture request

    Does anyone among the rabble have a shot of a kilt in Campbell Ancient colors worn semi-formally (i.e. - w/an Argyle)?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Why not go right to the top!

    Mac-Cailein-Mor himself (with the backside of Young Campbell of Airds):


  3. #3
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    It appears (from the grey hair) that "Young Campbell" might be a bit older than "Big Campbell" and has four legs, too.
    Last edited by piperdbh; 17th April 09 at 06:58 AM. Reason: added somthing vitally important

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    It appears (from the grey hair) that "Young Campbell" might be a bit older than "Big Campbell" and has four legs, too.
    Yes, Johnny is considerably older than Torquhil!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    It appears (from the grey hair) that "Young Campbell" might be a bit older than "Big Campbell" and has four legs, too.
    You need to understand the highland terminology! For example, "Big Jock" could be 6ft 7in tall and weighs 20 stone, on the other hand "Wee Jock" could be 7ft 6in tall and weighs 30 stone! Do not make the mistake of believing all the descriptions. Although, maybe,perhaps ,just occasionally it could be accurate! How does all this work? I hear you ask.Well, "Wee Jock" may be "Big Jock's" son and for the first 12 years of "Wee Jock's" life he was smaller than his father, however as "Wee Jock" continued to grow the name still sticks with him!

    For those that don't know, there are 14lbs in one stone.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 17th April 09 at 09:08 AM.

  6. #6
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    You need to understand the highland terminology! For example, "Big Jock" could be 6ft 7in tall and weighs 20 stone, on the other hand "Wee Jock" could be 7ft 6in tall and weighs 30 stone! Do not make the mistake of believing all the descriptions. Although, maybe,perhaps ,just occasionally it could be accurate! How does all this work? I hear you ask.Well, "Wee Jock" may be "Big Jock's" son and for the first 12 years of "Wee Jock's" life he was smaller than his father, however as "Wee Jock" continued to grow the name still sticks with him!

    For those that don't know, there are 14lbs in one stone.
    The Cajuns of Louisiana do a similar thing with nicknames relating to size, Jock. A man named Jean may be over 6 feet tall and 40 years old, but would still be known as T.Jean - The "T" referring to "petit".


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    We have that tradition here in North Carolina as well, although not as much as we used to have.
    I know a man whose mother's name is Julia, and he married a woman named Julia, so they were Big Julia and Little Julia. Little Julia was an assistant principal at my school, and Big Julia was and is a substitute teacher here. We had to specify which one of them we were talking about, and sometimes there was a good bit of confusion.
    In may family, we called my late grandmother Mamaw. When some of her daughters and daughters-in-law became grandmothers, they were Mamaws, too. Somebody came up with calling my grandmother Big Mamaw, and the others Little Mamaw, even though they were all taller than her.

    Back to the subject at hand...
    In Sandy's picture above, what relation is "Young Campbell" to Campbell Mor, or "Big Campbell"?

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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    but would still be known as T.Jean - The "T" referring to "petit".
    I was named Kenneth, after my father. We ended up exactly the same size, but to this day you may hear me referred to as "Little Kin."

    Luckily for me, Dad had a different middle name than his grandfather! so we only had to deal with Junior as a suffix---no advanced arithmetic.
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
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  9. #9
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    I like the red hose he's wearing. Nice contrast. Also I wonder what tartan the person in the middle is wearing.

  10. #10
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    I like the red hose he's wearing. Nice contrast. Also I wonder what tartan the person in the middle is wearing.
    Black Stewart.

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