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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    So what do you want?

    Saturdays does not seem to be a good nite for SEKS - Atlanta Chapter. Last 3 or 4 kilt nites have had low turn-out though they always the same scinillating personalites. Those who did not attend at Paddy's last Saturday missed out on a good time. At least I had a good time. Picked up by a couple of kilt fans and danced till the bar closed (that's all, though *dern it*). These things can happen, but you have to play to win.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if Saturday doesn't work for most folks, or is it just pure ennui? Or is the opportunity for a monthly kilt night so frequent that folks just decide to maybe catch the next one? We have tried to move it around to make it occasionally convenient to attend from all parts of Metro Atlanta. Over the last 2.5 years or so we've done James Joyce in Decatur, Harp in Roswell, Paddy's at Chateau Elan, Loafing Leprechaun, Spotted Dog (gone) in Downtown, Johnny McCracken's in Marietta, one I forget in Sandy Springs, and this Saturday will be an off-schduled gathering at the Manchester Arms in College Park. To see if there is/are better options on your minds I'm soliciting ideas to energize the ATL group and see if we can recover some momentum. For those occasional kilties, it's a great opportunity to get unbifurcated.

    Some options:

    1. Less frequent "organized" events i.e., have a set date every other month or quarter at a consistent location, with impromptu events announced by whoever wants to do get one up at any other time.

    2. Change to a different nite. Fado in Buckhead has a Session of Irish music every Monday nite a 8 pm, with some of the best musicians in town attending. Yes, it's Monday, but in Buckhead that might be the best time to get parking. Here's a pic from one I attended

    3. Look for venues that are hosting Celtic music and have the event coincide with same. It has been noted that just because an event is held at a Celtic-themed location doesn't mean you'll get Celtic-themed entertainment. Celtic Atlanta often has anouncements of such events well in advance.

    4. Have it at the same place, same time each month and cancel if no one confirms online.

    5. A Tilted Kilt has just opened up in John's Creek at State Bridge and Medlock Bridge Roads.

    So, what say you, folks? The floor is open for other ideas. I know there are a lot of ATL kiltroSEKsuals out there, but we aren't connecting very well. Is there interest still?

    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

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  2. #2
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    I am going to make a quick reply, just to let you know that I am thinking, seriously, about your suggestions. At least 6/5 ths of your ideas have merit, so I do not want to give a too-casual answer. I know that work and family easily get in the way for many of us....and I want to take all that into account too.

  3. #3
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    It's not just you!

    I was formerly Captain, my father Governor, of one of the NC Mayflower society groups. We tried everything, speakers, covered dishes, etc..etc. Usually the same group would show up all the time, and that was just twice a year. Yet, no one could come up with any suggestions on how to improve attendence. It was a labor of love, but it was hard not to lose the desire to go out of your way to find the new and interesting to get people to show up!

  4. #4
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    Judging by Paddy's, I suggest places with better music, a wider selection on the menu, less greasy food, and women who are not so high maintenance.

    Monday nights a Fado's might be the thing. Maybe I will go soon, since I am leaving town in September. Anyone else?

    #3 is a great idea.

  5. #5
    MacKay71's Avatar
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    I would like to make it to a gathering, but right now I'm usually teaching on the weekends. Hope to come soon.
    Scott D McKay

    * The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *

  6. #6
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    Turpin et All,

    Have to admit I've been a lurker but could not attend due to almost continuous deployments with FEMA on disaster recovery assignments for 20 of the last 24 months. Hopefully that ends soon (new position based here in town) so when a night and location is designated I'll try to be there and meet the SEKS members.

    Fair winds,


  7. #7
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    Bruce, You might be interested in Atlanta St Andrew's Society. It meets at the policemen's hall in Stone Mountain, not too far from you. I probably will not be in town at the time of the next one, on September 12, othewise I would invite you.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
    Bruce, You might be interested in Atlanta St Andrew's Society. It meets at the policemen's hall in Stone Mountain, not too far from you. I probably will not be in town at the time of the next one, on September 12, otherwise I would invite you.
    Thanks for the kind thought. I'd be interested as my brother is St. Andrews in the DC area. Perhaps another evening as we pass into Fall. Hope we'll meet when the SEKS gets together some evening.

    Fair winds,

    Capt Bruce

  9. #9
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    Kilt nights

    I like your first suggestion and would suggest quarterly kilt-nights that would rotate around the metro area. As you stated, other kilt-nights could still be convened as members wish.

    At least one of the celtic entertainers I know has a web-site with schedules of appearances so the quarterlies could be planned to coincide with the entertainment.

    I hate that I missed another one at Paddy's. It's so close to home yet it always seems that I'm out of town or have a previous engagement.

    Good-on-ya for trying to make SEKS better!

    "The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
    Ken Burns

  10. #10
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    I know that I'm only visiting, and will return to the frozen north at the end of August, but if I can toss in my 2¢ -

    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    Those who did not attend at Paddy's last Saturday missed out on a good time. At least I had a good time. Picked up by a couple of kilt fans and danced till the bar closed (that's all, though *dern it*).
    Yep, Turpin bought the lasses a round of drinks, and I was the one to get a kilt check when he went inside. Life isn't fair.

    On to the suggestions:
    1. I can't speak to less frequency equaling better turnout, but I would like to meet more of the SEKS before I leave.
    2. Buckhead is a good thought (guaranteed Irish music ), but a three hour round-trip on a Monday night ... Could you hold off on that one until September?

    3. Checking Celtic Atlanta, the musicians at the Olde Blind Dog look good for August. And since the Olde Blind Dog was mentioned at the last two kilt nights, this may be a good opportunity to check it out.

    4. Nothing to add here.

    5. Since they don't have them in the Northeast yet, I am in favor of checking out the Tilted Kilt.

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