5th March 10, 11:54 AM
Question about twill
I know that the twill should be slanted on one side, but what does it mean when it is on the other side??
Here a few pictures to help with my question:
Both Lindsays (Modern and Ancient) seem to be made inside out. Does this make sense or am I worrying for nothing.
5th March 10, 01:11 PM
There has been discussion of this in kiltmaker's forum (IIRC). Some mills are weaving so that the "good" side of fabric has the twill running opposite from traditional weave. Kiltmaker's choice is to use the "poor" side of fabric (which may not have as nice a selvedge, may have minor slubs in fabric, etc.) to keep the twill running the trad direction, or put the twill in the opposite direction to use the better side of fabric.
Consensus seemed to be that using the good side of fabric is the better idea. Few if any will notice the twill direction when kilt is a'swingin'
Nice tartans BTW!
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
5th March 10, 01:14 PM
5th March 10, 06:06 PM
Here's the quote I was thinking of:
"One little known fact... Lochcarron's STROME (16 oz material) has the twill running the wrong direction (/////). Their 13 and 10 oz fabrics run the proper way (\\\). I was told this fact by their Sales Manager, Doug Young, so it comes from a reliable source.
Every other mill that I know of ALL have their 'good side' twill running the proper way (\\\)."
USA Kilts - Owner/Kiltmaker
From this thread, which goes on to discuss the subject in more detail (starting about Post 28)
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
6th March 10, 07:46 AM
Lochcarron's fabric is wooven with the twill going the opposite way. What does this mean? If a thread breaks during weaving, the thread is tied together on the side facing the weaver (bad side). All you have to do to make the "bad side" the "good side" is to push the knots thru to the other side.
IMHO, both sides are identical except for the knots.
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
6th March 10, 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by sydnie7
"One little known fact... Lochcarron's STROME (16 oz material) has the twill running the wrong direction (/////).
This make sense, I know both my Lindsays are 16oz didn't know they were Lochcarron's STROME though....
Thank you everyone
8th March 10, 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by sydnie7
Here's the quote I was thinking of:
"One little known fact... Lochcarron's STROME (16 oz material) has the twill running the wrong direction (/////). Their 13 and 10 oz fabrics run the proper way (\\\). I was told this fact by their Sales Manager, Doug Young, so it comes from a reliable source.
Every other mill that I know of ALL have their 'good side' twill running the proper way (\\\)."
USA Kilts - Owner/Kiltmaker
From this thread, which goes on to discuss the subject in more detail (starting about Post 28)
BTW... I've since found out that one of HOE's 16 oz ranges goes the same 'wrong' direction (their Nevis Range I believe). It's MUCH less widely used than their 13 oz Medium Weight fabric, but still a fact none the less...
EDIT: I got a piece of HOE's Gordon Modern NEVIS range in the mail today and it DEFINITELY goes the 'wrong' direction... /////
Last edited by RockyR; 8th March 10 at 07:43 PM.
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