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  1. #1
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    Critique, if you please...

    Ok, I may live to regret this. I am enclosing a few photos of myself in my Chattan Ancient kilt. (my one & only kilt thus far. It is of Locharron 13oz. Made by Atholl Brose in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. I would like some feedback on how it looks & any suggestions concerning the rest of the outfit.
    I have also worn this with a dark green tie for a little less formality, and perhaps lovat green hose as well.

    Other gent in one photo is wearing Clan MacNicoll tartan.

    Thanks in advance...





  2. #2
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    I think the overall look is quite good. If I may critique two things:

    1) pull your kilt up a bit. It looks like it is riding low on the hip (and a bit low on the knee).

    2) It may just be the pose/picture, but the sleeve length on the jacket might be a little short for you. You're showing a LOT of cuff.

    Other than that (and a polish on the shoes) you look great.
    One other thing (not a critique, but something that immediately sprang to mind)- I can't help but think how splendid Lovat blue hose would look with that kilt.


  3. #3
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I think the overall look is quite good. If I may critique two things:

    1) pull your kilt up a bit. It looks like it is riding low on the hip (and a bit low on the knee).

    2) It may just be the pose/picture, but the sleeve length on the jacket might be a little short for you. You're showing a LOT of cuff.

    Other than that (and a polish on the shoes) you look great.
    One other thing (not a critique, but something that immediately sprang to mind)- I can't help but think how splendid Lovat blue hose would look with that kilt.

    Ditto on all that.
    The colors in the kilt are brilliant - very good looking.
    One other thing that immediately stood out to me (and was mentioned by another gent here) the left (your left) front pleat seems to stick out/curl forward.
    Just curious about two things.
    1. How old is the kilt?
    2. What was your impression of (working with) Ms. Brose? I have my my own, and I'm afraid it's not too complimentary, so I shall hold my tongue.
    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Welcome to the Forum Raymac!
    I think others have covered the main points regarding your kilt and outfit.
    I find it amazing how helpful members are in helping one another to point out things we might not notice ourselves! And the comments are truly offered, I believe, in good intentions.

    One point I think I saw, but not covered yet, is the top of the kilt hose in relation to one's kneecaps. If you compare yours to the gentleman on your left, his hose are about 1 1'/ inches below the kneecap. Yours seem to be somewhat lower. I think you have enough turn down on your hose to bring the tops up. I have picked a point on my shin that I start the turn down of the hose and then I check to make sure that the tops are equal on the left and right leg before I stand up.

    Otherwise, kilt on and keep the pictures coming!



  5. #5
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Question: Is the jacket a little too small ??
    Too much shirt at the collar and cuffs showing.
    I would prefer to see coloured hose contrasting to the kilt
    A bit of polish on the shoes would not hurt.

  6. #6
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    I've not seen that tartan worn before. It certainly gives you a huge scope for shirt / tie / hose combinations. The whole colour spectrum - dark to light - is available to you. My advice would be - Be Bold - you won't regret it.

    My only other observation is the first pleat on the left does seem to be curling forward. I don't know why it is doing that - maybe a re-press is in order.

    I don't think you have anything to regret, Ray.



  7. #7
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Hummm. Everything looks kinda loose. Did you loose some weight recently? You might want to try hiking the kilt's waist band up to belly button height. Tighten the belt so that it will stay up with only a little(1/2 inch) kilt showing above. Try to get your hose tops to fold with the same width, I have to fold mine down and then back up because they are usually too long. Might want to tighten up the garters also so that your hose wont fall down.

    Hopefully that will make you feel a little more comfortable. Kilt on!
    Somebody ought to.

  8. #8
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by Guinness>water View Post
    Hummm. Everything looks kinda loose. Did you loose some weight recently? You might want to try hiking the kilt's waist band up to belly button height. Tighten the belt so that it will stay up with only a little(1/2 inch) kilt showing above. Try to get your hose tops to fold with the same width, I have to fold mine down and then back up because they are usually too long. Might want to tighten up the garters also so that your hose wont fall down.

    Hopefully that will make you feel a little more comfortable. Kilt on!
    Yes, I have lost 50lbs. over the last 2 years, the kilt is now very loose. I had to add a few holes to the belt, as well as hike the kilts straps the their maximum. I have gone from almost 38 pants size to a 33.

  9. #9
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Well that explains a lot. Congratualtions on your new, healthier weight.

    As others have said, get the kilt up so that the top strap sits at the natural waist (above the iliac crests of your pelvis). This might sort out a good deal of the left apron edge naughtiness.

    That being said, with that much weight loss, you might need to have the kilt altered by someone who really knows what they are doing.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by RayMc View Post
    Yes, I have lost 50lbs. over the last 2 years, the kilt is now very loose. I had to add a few holes to the belt, as well as hike the kilts straps the their maximum. I have gone from almost 38 pants size to a 33.
    How did you do it? Congrats!

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