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  1. #1
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    Wearing another clans Tartan?

    Hi Rabble,
    I was wondering what the etiquette behind wearing another clans tartan in the form of a kilt.
    It's something I know that would irritate me, but sometimes I stumble across a deal that is SO hard to pass up but it isn't always in Fraser or Patterson colors. It makes me feel guilty the idea of it, and I wanted to get the official scoop so I don't commit a kilt faux-pas

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The short of it:
    Tartans were mostly invented in the 1800s by weavers trying to sell their products during the "tartan craze" from the late Georgian period (early 1800s) lasting right through the Victorian period (1800s-1901).
    Tartans were arbitrarily assigned in many cases and were often not "official." the tradition grew oit of that trend (sorry, but it WAS a trend).

    Now, tartans are symbolic more than historical (with a few exceptions, a couple are do indeed have historical precedence).

    "Fashion" or "Universal" tartans are a mdern extension of this older craze, perhaps the reincarnation of it.

    Personally, I wouldn't wear another clan's tartan except under special circumstances.

    I stick to Unversal tartans for variety and plan to get a Shaw tartan kilt for traditional purposes. Admittedly, though, two kilts are enough for me. I plan to pass on my acryllic Black Watch soon but I digress and ramble (apologies).

    No hard, fast rule. Just sensitivity. I would advise to know some things about whichever clan tartan you wear. I personally don't get terribly offended when others wear our tartan...hell, it's rare enough that I'm just glad to see it! I do prefer that only members of the clan wear it, though.
    Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 25th April 13 at 09:24 PM.
    The Official [BREN]

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I don't think it would be a kilt faux-pas to wear another tartan that you like. There are some that are restricted and maybe someone could make life difficult for you but all others are fair game. We all have worn a shirt or tie or pajamas in someone's tartan other than our own. I think that you make a point when you say it would irritate you for someone else to do it. Nice designs are often best seen on others.

    I love to see lots of tartans. It is one of the things that I enjoy about going to highland games. I, like you, am drawn pretty much to my kin's designs. If you see good deals though, maybe you should collect some additional items. You may find your opinions and feelings change concerning cross-pollination of tartan tastes.

  4. #4
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    Tulloch, ***.

    American kilting traditions are in their infanxy and we, the diaspora, are removed from Scotland. As a result, sometimes we do things a bit different than across the pond--not out of disrespect but for any number of reasons.

    Economics can be a factor in Highland attire (or any other outlet for cultural expression).

    Just remember that these so-called "clan" tartans were NOT always worn by those clans. Many were fashions of the day. History is on your side, my friend.
    The Official [BREN]

  5. #5
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    Mmh, I am in the comfortable situation to have a fine choice of tartans connected with my name and clan (Smith, Gow, Macpherson) but the Chisholm hunting ancient is very tempting to wear... Maybe I have to write to Chisholm Chief one day to ask for permission but at the moment I work on having some of "my" tartans first....
    "A true gentleman knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn't!"

    Member of Clan Macpherson Association

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tulloch View Post
    We all have worn a shirt or tie or pajamas in someone's tartan other than our own.
    No, not all of us have.

    I will not restate my strong opinion on this question as it has already been stated by another poster.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Thorpe View Post
    No, not all of us have.

    I will not restate my strong opinion on this question as it has already been stated by another poster.
    Ditto .
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ah, this question raises its head once again!

    After seeing it argued ad nauseam many times before, I've finally come to the following conclusions:

    1. Yes, most clan tartans were invented by a couple of frauds looking to make a buck. But regardless of the origin, the tradition has taken hold and should not be dismissed outright. I think 200 years of clan tartan affiliation is nothing to scoff at.

    2. No, there are no kilt police or tartan enforcers. You'll occasionally be questioned about your clan affiliation if wearing tartan, and you may find someone who is offended at your wearing of their clan tartan if you have no affiliation. Whether you choose to risk causing offense is up to you.

    3. When choosing to wear a clan tartan that is not your own, consider your audience. If you're going for a solo hike in the mountains or an evening at the pub where nobody else will be wearing kilts or would be expected to know anything about kilts, that's one thing. Going to a Highland Games, Scottish festival/gathering, or other event where there is more knowledge about tartans, is another thing entirely. So the etiquette of wearing a clan tartan very much depends on who you will be displaying it to. A clan tartan is, after all, a symbol of affiliation with a group. When putting on a clan tartan kilt, ask yourself if the people you will be around are going to identify you as part of a group to which you do not belong.

  9. #9
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    a big ***

    (your very succinct explanation should be pinned to every post that comes up on this question.)
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Ah, this question raises its head once again!

    3. When choosing to wear a clan tartan that is not your own, consider your audience. If you're going for a solo hike in the mountains or an evening at the pub where nobody else will be wearing kilts or would be expected to know anything about kilts, that's one thing. Going to a Highland Games, Scottish festival/gathering, or other event where there is more knowledge about tartans, is another thing entirely. So the etiquette of wearing a clan tartan very much depends on who you will be displaying it to. A clan tartan is, after all, a symbol of affiliation with a group. When putting on a clan tartan kilt, ask yourself if the people you will be around are going to identify you as part of a group to which you do not belong.
    To the point. I should never (dare to) wear a kilt in a clan tartan when in Scotland. Everywhere else (where I go) it is of no importance.

    Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility

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