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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th October 08
    Louisville, Kentucky, USA (38° 13' 11"N x 85° 37' 32"W gets you close)
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    General update(s)

    It's been a while, so I tought I'd update folks on some things I've posted about before.

    Dad recently had a checkup (CT scan, blood work, etc.) and has been pronounced cancer-free. The doctor said he can get his central line (port) taken out any time he wants. The abdominal stent that was put in back in January appears to be doing its job, and the circulation in his left leg has improved, though is left side is still numb/tingling and his motor control is still limited. He's also walking a little more, though not as much as he should be at this point. He's not doing his physical therapy exercises like he's supposed to. He still stays in the wheel chair when in the house and often uses it when going out & about (which is mainly to his doctor appointments). Mom says he tends to keep glued to his laptop or Kindle (almost constantly monitoring that big social media website).

    Mom has also gone though a battery of tests and is in good health. She had her cataracts removed last month and is now seeing better than she has since she was a young girl of 8 (20/40 vision).

    My nieces and s-i-l are still adjusting to life without my brother, as are we all. I think it's going to be a continuing process for a while yet. The anniversary of his death last year is coming up on Aug 8, as is the date of his birth - and mine. (He was born Aug 4, I was born Aug 5 four years before. From the time of his birth we nearly always celebrated/recognized our birthdays together. This will be the first year I turn more than four years older tham him in 40 years. ) I haven't heard yet what sort of recognition - if any - is planned for these dates.

    For myself, I'm still looking for a day shift, salaried position (I'm currently working about 4P - 1A, hourly wages, and barely breaking even on a weekly basis). I'm still piping (still Pipe Sergeant of the Louisville Pipe Band), and am currently running the band's rehearsals while the Pipe Major is away.

    That's it in a nutshell. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support over the last year or so.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th April 04
    Denver, Colorado USA
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    Nobody ever said life would be a constant joy. Glad to hear that in spite of it all, you are still going strong.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    26th May 12
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    Thanks for the update. I have been wondering how things were going.Glad to here he is cancer free and your mother's health is good. I hope your father increases his Pt.My thoughts and prayers will be with you and you family as you come as you approach approach Aug. 4,5 and 8th.


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