I appreciate your desire to spend your money locally, but I think you'd just be spending more to get it from a guy in the USA who got it from Scotland. Might as well get it directly.
Unless you get one in that style custom-made from an American boutique sporranmaker which would cost several times more.
Those plain leather sporrans are mass-produced for the Army and you can get them quite inexpensively on Ebay. I picked up one, actually a Canadian military one, on Ebay for around $20. It was new and unissued and had Canadian military markings on the inside.
Here it is. It has the brass stud flap closure long used by The Black Watch. Some other regiments used the hidden-snap flap closure, and that's the style currently used by The Royal Regiment of Scotland, the style you see all the time on Ebay.
Last edited by OC Richard; 7th February 14 at 07:54 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte